
The following is the list of the location of PSP radar speed checks and dates and times for November 2015


11/nov/15            14H00/18H00    Av. Alberto I Príncipe do Mónaco, Freguesia Sta Clara, concelho de Ponta Delgada, ilha de S. Miguel
18/nov/15            13H00                   Av. Alberto I Príncipe do Mónaco, Freguesia Sta Clara, concelho de Ponta Delgada, ilha de S. Miguel
09/nov/15           07H00                    Estrada Regional n.º 1, lugar da Atalaia e Terreiro das Covas, freguesia de Ribeirinha, concelho de Angra do Heroísmo, ilha Terceira
20/nov/15           13H00                     Estrada Regional n.º 1, no lugar do Negrito, freguesia de S. Mateus da Calheta, concelho de Angra do Heroísmo, ilha Terceira
10/nov/15           14H00                    Estrada Regional, freguesia de Sta Luzia, concelho S. Roque do Pico, ilha do Pico
18/nov/15           08H00                    Estrada Regional, freguesia da Criação Velha, concelho Madalena do Pico, ilha do Pico
03/nov/15           15H00/19H00     Rua Dr. Eduardo Vaz – Santa Maria da Feira
05/nov/15           09H00/13H00      Rua Cimo de Vila – Ovar
06/nov/15           15H00/19H00     Av. da Liberdade – São João da Madeira
09/nov/15           14H00/20H00     EN 109 – Km 58.1 – Aveiro
11/nov/14 0        8H00/14H00        Rua Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro – Santa Joana – Aveiro
13/nov/15           08H00/14H00     EN 109 – Km 58.1 – Aveiro
16/nov/15           08H00/14H00      EN 109 – Km 58.1 – Aveiro
19/nov/15           09H00/13H00     Rua da Circunvalação – Santa Maria da Feira
20/nov/15           08H00/14H00     EN 16 – Km 0.5 (Junto à Corvauto) – Aveiro
20/nov/15           9H00/13H00        Variante da Rua 19 – Espinho
20/nov/15           5H00/19H00        Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro – Ovar
23/nov/15           08H00/14H00     Av. da Liberdade – Glória – Aveiro
27/nov/15           08H00/14H00     EN 109 – Km 58.1 – Aveiro
30/nov/15           08H00/14H00     EN 109 – Km 58.1 – Aveiro


04/nov/15           09H00/12H00     Av. Salgueiro Maia – Beja
18/nov/15           09H00/12H00     Av. Salgueiro Maia-Beja


03/nov/15           14H00/19H00     Circular de Barcelos (sentido Andorinhas/Cibernética) – Barcelos
06/nov/15           21H00/03H00     Av. João Paulo II – Braga
13/nov/15           21H00/03H00     Av. António Macedo – Braga
19/nov/15           14H00/17H00     Av. do Cávado – Braga
24/nov/15           08H00/12H00     Circular de Barcelos, sentido Esposende/Barcelos – Barcelos
26/nov/15           4H00/17H00        Av. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires – Braga


12/nov/15           08H00/13H45     Av. das Comunidades Europeias – Mirandela
25/nov/15           08H00/12H00     Av. General Humberto Delgado – Bragança


05/nov/15           08H00/12H00     Alameda Pêro da Covilhã – Covilhã
09/nov/15           14H00/18H00     EN 3 – Campo de Obstáculos – Castelo Branco
11/nov/15           08H00/12H00     Alameda Pêro da Covilhã – Covilhã
23/nov/15           08H00/12H00     Av. Cidade de Zhuhai – Castelo Branco


03/nov/15           10H00                    IC 3 – Coimbra
06/nov/15           07H30                    Ponte Edgar Cardoso – Figueira da Foz
18/nov/15           14H00                    Rua da Vidreira – Figueira da Foz
24/nov/15           17H00                    Ponte Rainha Santa Isabel – Coimbra

02/nov/15           08H30                     EN 114 – Évora
05/nov/15           10H30                    Av. Lino de Carvalho – Évora
13/nov/15           09H00                    EN 18, ao Gil – Estremoz
16/nov/15           10H00                    EN 18 (Évora/ Estremoz) – Évora
24/nov/15           12H00                    EN 114-A – Évora
27/nov/15           09H00                    Av. Rainha Santa Isabel – Estremoz
30/nov/15           17H30                    EN 254 (Redondo/Évora) – Évora


04/nov/15           15H00/17H00     Av. V2 – Portimão
09/nov/15           07H00/09H00     EN nº 508 – Tavira
10/nov/15           08H30/12H30     Av. 5 de Outubro – Olhão
12/nov/15           21H00/23H00     Av. Calouste Gulbenkian, sentido Este-Oeste – Faro
25/nov/15           10H00/12H00      EN 125 – Kim 102.8, sentido Norte-Sul – Faro
26/nov/15           09H00/12H30     Av. de Castro Marim – Vila Real Santo António


10/nov/15           07H30                    VICEG (Via de Cintura Externa da Guarda)- Guarda


12/nov/15           09H00/12H00     Av. Monsenhor Manuel Bastos Rodrigues de Sousa – Peniche
23/nov/15           09H00/12H00     Rua Imaculada Conceição – Telheiro


02-nov-15            02H30                    IP7 – SUL/NORTE
03-nov-15            09H00-17H00      Av. Marginal em frente ao Hotel Miragem- Cascais, no sentido Cascais-Lisboa.
04-nov-15            09H00-12H00       Estrada dos Salgados – Amadora
07-nov-15            22H30                     IP7 – SUL/NORTE
09-nov-15            14H00-18H00      EN 10, Km 126.7, no sentido Sobralinho-Alverca – Vila Franca de Xira
10-nov-15            9H00-17H00        Av. Marginal em frente ao Hotel Miragem – Cascais, no sentido Cascais-Lisboa.
12-nov-15            08H00-12H30      Av. Marginal St.º Amaro de Oeiras , sentido Lisboa /Cascais (km 8.2)
13-nov-15            14H00-18H00      Reta do Cabo, Km 118.4, sentido Vila Franca de Xira-Porto Alto
14-nov-15            01H00                    Reta do Cabo – Vila Franca de Xira
16-nov-15            07H30                     IP7 – SUL/NORTE
21-nov-15            22H30                      IC19
23-nov-15             09H00-12H00      Variante de Acesso ao LoureShopping, Mealhada – Loures
24-nov-15            14H30-16H00       Av. Dr. Miguel Freire da Cruz – Cacém
25-nov-15            07H30                     Av. Padre Cruz – Lisboa
26-nov-15            08H00-12H00      Reta do Cabo – Vila Franca de Xira


03/nov/15           17H30                     VÊ 1 Pico do Tanoeiro/VE 1 – túnel do Cortado
04/nov/15            17H00                   VE5
05/nov/15           18H00                    VÊ – Porto da Cruz
06/nov/15            14H00                   Rua da Ribeira – Machico
09/nov/15           14H00                    VR1
10/nov/15           14H00                    VÊ Porto da Cruz
11/nov/15           08H00                    Estrada do Aeroporto
12/nov/15            08H00                    Rua Manuel Passos
12/nov/15            18H45                   VR1 desde a Rotunda do Caniçal até à Ribeira Brava
17/nov/15           08H45                    Av. do Infante, Estrada Monumental e Rua Pestana Júnior
16/nov/15           14H00                    VR1
18/nov/15           07H45                    VR1 desde a Rotunda do Caniçal até à Ribeira Brava
19/nov/15           14H00                    Estrada Santa Catarina
20/nov/15           20H00                     VR1
23/nov/15           14H00                    VÊ Porto da Cruz
24/nov/15           13H45                    VR1 desde a Rotunda do Caniçal até à Ribeira Brava
25/nov/15           07H00                    VR 1 Km 6.0 Sentido Oeste/Este – Quinta Grande
26/nov/15           18H00                    VR1 Pico Tanoeiro/VEl – Túnel do Cortado – Santana
30/nov/15            08H00                   Estrada do Aeroporto


03/nov/15            14H00/18H00    Estrada da Circunvalação – 15443 – Porto
10/nov/15           08H00/12H00     Estrada  D. Miguel – Gondomar
17/nov/15           14H00/18H00      Rua Ribeiro Cambado – Valongo
20/nov/15         08H00/12H00      Estrada da Circunvalação 14022 – Matosinhos
24/nov/15         20H00/24H00     Av. AEP – Porto
30/nov/15        20H00/24H00     Estrada  da Circunvalação – 9389 – Porto


13/nov/15        14H00 Av. De Badajoz – Portalegre
18/nov/15 16H00 EN 372 – Elvas


04/nov/15      14H00/18H00   Rua 1.º de Maio, Nicho dos Rodrigos – Torres Novas
09/nov/15      14H00/18H00   Rua Atriz Alda Rodrigues – Santarém
10/nov/15      08H00/12H00   Rua Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro – Ourém
12/nov/15       14H00/18H00   EN 110 – Alvito – Tomar
17/nov/15      08H00/12H00   Av. Dr. Sá Carneiro – Abrantes
24/nov/15      13H0/17H00     Caminho Municipal n.º 1398 – Cartaxo
30/nov/15     07H00/11H00  Rua Afonso Henriques  – Entroncamento


05/nov/15    14H00 Túnel do Centro-Sul, Sentido Costa-Almada – Almada
05/nov/15    14H00 Av. Fialho Gouveia, Circular Externa, Estrada Seixalinho – Montijo
01/nov/15    08H00 EN 10.3 – Barreiro
12/nov/15    14H00 EN 10 – Setúbal
24/nov/15   09H00 Av. do Mar – Corroios


12/nov/15  09H30    Av. 25 de Abril – Viana do Castelo
22/nov/15  09H30    Estrada da Papanata – Viana do Castelo


04/nov/15   08H00/10H00   Av. da Europa – Vila Real
06/nov/15 08H00/10H00    Rua da Paz – Chaves
12/nov/15 13H30/15H30     Av. Aureliano Barrigas – Vila Real
17/nov/15 13H30/15H30     Av. do Tâmega – Chaves
27/nov/15 08H00/10H00   Rua Vasco Sameiro – Vila Real
30/nov/15 08H00/10H00   Av. Rainha Dona Mafalda – Chaves


06/nov/15 08H00 Estrada da Circunvalação – Viseu
10/nov/15 15H00 Av. D. Egas Moniz – Lamego
16/nov/15 08H00 Av. Tenente Coronel Silva Simões – Viseu
25/nov/15 15H00 Av. Egas Moniz – Lamego
27/nov/15 08H00 Av. do Regimento de Infantaria  14 – Viseu



On 17th October the Spanish Police conducted a macro operation against child pornography as culminating in the arrest of 81 people involved in the exchange through Internet of videos and sex pictures featuring minors. Some of the thousands of images seized by the agents are extremely harsh and fall into sadism or bestiality. The all male detainees, including two children and two with intellectual disabilities shared files through P2P networks.

The investigation began as a result of “Ciberpatrullaje” developed by the National Police. Agents specialized in technological research continuously monitor various channels such as file sharing peer to peer networks, media used to distribute and download paedophile material Network.

After nearly a year of investigation, the researchers were able to identify dozens of users, protected by the feeling of anonymity that offer them these channels, sharing pictures and sex videos featuring children.

The final macro operation took place involving 300 agents arresting 81 people throughout Spain. In total they searched 80 house in which investigators seized and analysed computer equipment allegedly used to commit crimes. Some 96 hard drives, 58 computers, 68 pen drives, 4 tablets, 195 CDs and DVDs, 18 mobile phones, 25 memory cards, one console, one MP4 1 camcorder and 2 cameras, all support thousands of images of child pornography, were seized.

The research was conducted by officers of the Brigade of Technological Research and Judicial Police Brigades provinces and towns throughout Spain. Agents are continuing to analyse and are working on the intercepted material to determine the possible existence of paedophile crimes, sexual abuse of minors and connection with other paedophiles.


The Judicial Police, through the National Counter Terrorism Unit (UNCT), conducted an operation and freed a young kidnapped person and at the same time arresting three men, aged between 23 and 26 years, for kidnapping and extortion.

The abduction, tool place in the city center of Lisbon, late on 28th October. The victim aged 22 years was later freed by the Judicial Police in Vialonga. The motive of these facts is allegedly related to drug trafficking.

During the abduction, the culprits acted violently, in order to to force the victim to pay the ransom required.  Since the victim did not have the money to make any type of payment, the kidnappers then began to coerce and press for payment.

 The detainees will be present at the first court hearing for the application of appropriate enforcement measures.


PSP Superientendente Luís Carrilho has been awarded by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, as an “Outstanding Role Model”.

The award was made for his work as the Police Commander whilst attached to the UN Peace Keeping Mission to the Central African Republic. Aged 49 years, Superientendent Corrilho has previously served in similar roles in East Timor and Haiti.

He is the first Portuguese national to have received this prestigious award which is given annually.


Many congratulations and an excellent reflection on the diverse and professional work of the PSP


The PSP have announced deatails of the radar spped checks from toda7 26th October to the 30th of this month..

26-out-15 07H00/13H00 Estrada Regional n.º 1 de 1ª Classe, no lugar da Ponta Nova, entre a freguesia da Feteira e o Porto Judeu, concelho de Angra do Heroísmo – ilha Terceira.

26-out-15 08H00/14H00 Estrada Nacional 16 – Aveiro, KM 0.5 (JUNTO À CORVAUTO)
30-out-15 08H00/14H00 Av. da Universidade, Glória – Aveiro

27-out-15 14H00/19H30 Rotunda Cibernética – Barcelos
31-out-15 00H30/03H30 Av. António Macedo – Braga

Castelo Branco
26-out-15 08H00/12H00 Alameda Pêro da Covilhã – Covilhã
28-out-15 08H00/12H00 Estrada Nacional 233 – Buenos Aires – Castelo Branco

27-out-15 17H00 Av. Inês de Castro – Coimbra
29-out-15 14H00 R. U. Centro Escolar S. Julião – Figueira da Foz

26-out-15 17H00 Estrada Nacional 18 (Redondo/Évora)

26-out-15 07H30 Estrada do Rio Diz

27-out-15 21H00/00H00 Av. General Amílcar Mota – Caldas da Rainha

26-out-15 08H00/12H00 Reta do Cabo Vila Franca de Xira
26-out-15 14H00/18H00 Reta do Cabo Vila Franca de Xira
27-out-15 07H30 Av. Padre Cruz
28-out-15 13H00/18H00 Estrada dos Salgados

27-out-15 13H45 VR1 desde a Rotunda do Caniçal até à Ribeira Brava
28-out-15 08H00 Estrada da Ponta da Oliveira – Caniço
29-out-15 18H00 VE 1 Pico do Tanoeiro/VE 1 – túnel do Cortado
29-out-15 18H45 Rua Pestana Júnior; Rua 5 de Outubro e Av. das Madalenas
30-out-15 08H00 VR 1 – Machico

28-out-15 08H00/12H00 Av. Dr. Antunes Guimarães – Leça Palmeira

26-out-15 08H00 Av. De Badajoz – Portalegre

28-out-15 09H00/12H00 Estrada Nacional 3 Calçadinha – Santarém
30-out-15 08H00/12H00 Estrada Nacional 349, Km 72,3 – Terras Pretas – Torres Novas

Vila Real
27-out-15 07H30/09H30 Rua da Paz – Chaves

27-out-15 08H00 Estrada Nacional nº 2 – Viseu
28-out-15 15H00 Av. Egas Moniz – Lamego


The PSP Lisbon Airport Security Division revealed last Friday 23rd October, that about 20% of complaints of thefts taking place at Lisbon Airport resulted in the identification of the suspect, and 10% of these occurrences result in recovery of stolen material.

The commander at the airport informed journalists that between last year and the present, one in five complaints for theft we receive, led to identification of the suspect. In 10% we managed to recover the items stolen from Lisbon Airport.

A new police office built in a space provided by ANA-Aeroportos de Portugal, will improve conditions, provide more space and help the police in carrying out their roles.

The Airport Safety Division (DSA) of the Lisbon Metropolitan Command of the Public Security Police (PSP) receive, on average, per month, 50 criminal complaints and around 150-200 reports of lost/found property.


The Food Safety and Economic Authority (ASAE) said on 23rd October in a statement that they seized last week 6,600 wooden panels for use in the construction industry for non-compliance with legal requirements.

According to ASAE, the panels were from Burma and were seized as they “do not meet the legal requirements, in particular in terms of a lack of declaration concerning specifications and labelling. Their markings do not comply with EU legislation”.

“This intervention by ASAE is part of their remit to carryout enforcement against suppliers selling market products that do not meet the legal requirements, thus ensuring the protection of consumer rights, healthy and fair competition as well as the protection of the internal market,

The ASAE adds that the value of the seizure “amounted to 58,000 euros.” An arrest was made under a tax deed operation aimed at the verification of mandatory requirements for construction products.


A Brazilian man died on Sunday afternoon (18th October) on a Aer Lingus flight between Lisbon and Dublin, Ireland, after swallowing 80 packages of cocaine with a total weight of 800 grams and valued at 52,000 euros.

One or more of the bags burst inside the body causing his death. The drugs were found during the autopsy of John Kennedy Gurjão, aged 25 years, a native of Amapá, Brazil.

A Portuguese woman in her 40s, also on the flight from Lisbon, was arrested on suspicion of drugs offences. It is not clear if her arrest is linked to the man’s death.

Toxicology tests have been carried out on the consignment found in the man’s stomach. Passengers said the man became agitated and then violent and had to be restrained.

A doctor and a nurse treated the man aboard the plane, an A320, after he lost consciousness. The captain declared a medical emergency and diverted the plane to Cork airport, landing early evening local time. About 170 passengers and crew members were taken from the aircraft and were interviewed by police about the incident.

The Irish authorities have asked the assistance of the Judicial Police to establish details of the drug trafficking route in Portugal.



It was reported on 21st October that the Judicial Police (PJ) have seized about five kilos of cocaine at Lisbon airport and detained a man carrying the drug hidden in two backpacks.

Police said that the seized drug, enough for 25,250 individual doses of cocaine, was carried by the suspect from Sao Tome and Príncipe and arrived in Lisbon on flight operated by TAP.

The detainee aged 33, has undergone first judicial interrogation and is now in custody. The police operation was conducted by the National Unit to Fight Drug Trafficking (NCT) of PJ.


The United Nations drug agency has been caught in an embarrassing row over drug policy after Sir Richard Branson, who is a member of the Global Commission on Drug Police, leaked an official document which appeared to back  decriminalising possession of drugs.

The document from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said liberalisation of laws on controlled substances may need to be carried out world-wide.

But the significance of the two-page paper was immediately contested by UN chiefs in Vienna, who said it did not amount to official policy.

A few day earlier a report by the BBC said that the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the agency that has overseen the global drug war for 50 years, has been blocked from announcing its momentous new position – that all countries should decriminalise the possession of drugs for personal use. The UNODC was set to unveil the position on Sunday 18th October 2015, at the Harm Reduction International Conference in a short briefing paper which states that: “Member States should consider the implementation of measures to promote the right to health and to reduce prison – overcrowding, including by decriminalising drug use and possession for personal consumption”.

In a devastating critique of the harms caused by criminalisation, the UNODC states: “Protecting public health is a legitimate aim, but imposing criminal sanctions for drug use and possession for personal consumption is neither necessary nor proportionate. On the contrary, punishment aggravates the behavioural, health and social conditions of the affected people.”

However, it appears a member state got wind of the planned announcement, and has prevented or at least delayed the UNODC announcement of its position.

The document was drawn up by Dr Monica Beg, chief of the HIV/AIDs section of the UNODC in Vienna. It was prepared for an international harm reduction conference in Kuala Lumpur next month.

The UNODC oversees international drugs conventions and offers guidance on compliance.

Sources within the UNODC have told the BBC the document was never sanctioned by the organisation as policy. One senior figure within the agency described Dr Beg as “a middle-ranking official” who was offering a professional viewpoint.

The document, on headed agency notepaper, claims it “clarifies the position of UNODC to inform country responses to promote a health and human-rights approach to drug policy”.