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I AM NOW OFFICIALLY THE NEW FACE OF SCP! (Sorry David but people looooooves me:-))
This is the beginning of a new era. From now on, I SCooP, solemnly swear, to serve the foreign people in Portugal with all my heart and paws.
I will teach you all about crime prevention, how to deal with crises and provide a lot of other useful and important information.
The future will see more of SCooP than you can imagine and probably I go for the title “King of Portugal”. I know this is not a monarchy but hey….if monarchies can have a prime minister… we can have a king right??
My beautiful and completely perfect face has been designed by David Miller (soon the most famous designer of the world because of me….).
David and Dean Coleman, the most generous owner of “The WORKS Europe – Print Shop Algarve, has made me as a donation for SCP. Thank you so much! You are the best!