Communiqué by Council of Ministers extending State of Emergency until 1st March 2021

Communiqué of the Council of Ministers of February 11, 2021

1.The Council of Ministers today approved the decree that regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic, maintaining the rules currently in effect until 11:59 pm on March 1, 2021.

In view of the decree of the President of the Republic, the sale of books and school supplies is now permitted in retail establishments that are already in operation.

2. The decree-law establishing exceptional and temporary measures relating to the electronic communications sector in the context of the Covid-19 disease pandemic was approved. The diploma aims to ensure the identification of electronic communications services that must be considered critical and to define the measures that must be adopted by companies that offer public communications networks or electronic communications services, in order to guarantee the continuity of these services.

In order to guarantee the adaptation of these companies to the regime created, a set of simplification measures is also implemented, namely in terms of network and traffic management.

3. The draft law was approved, to be submitted to the Assembly of the Republic, which enables the confirmation of specific access requirements to the support measure called “Apoiar Rendas”, within the scope of the «Support Program».

For the purpose of proving the requirements for access to this new support, this law allows public entities to consult information on lease agreements, tax status and cadastral information related to the activity.

4. The Government approved the change in the duration of the Healthy Neighbourhoods Program, determining its conclusion by April 30, 2022.

In view of the high number of applications submitted, the decree-law now approved extends the period for concluding the Program so as not to shorten the period of execution of the projects that may be financed.

5. The resolution determining the reallocation of the capacity reserve in Multiplexer A of the Digital Terrestrial Television service was approved for the dissemination of video and audio signals with pedagogical-didactic contents to be included by the Ministry of Education, for the issuance of #EstudoEmCasa – Secondary Education until the end of the 2020/2021 academic year.

Decree of the President of the Republicx Download