Communique Council of Ministers 29th April 2021

1.The Council of Ministers today approved a resolution declaring the situation of calamity in the entire continental national territory, from 00:00 hrs (midnight 30thApril/1st May) on May 1, 2021 until 23:59 on May 16, 2021.

Following on from the deconfinement plan presented in March, and taking into account the evolution of the pandemic in all municipalities in the continental territory, the Council of Ministers defined that, as of May 1, the majority of the country, with the exception of eight municipalities – Odemira (specifically the parishes of São Teotónio and Longueira / Almograve), Aljezur, Resende, Carregal do Sal, Portimão, Paredes, Miranda do Douro and Valongo – proceeds to the next phase of de-definition.

Thus, in addition to a set of measures, namely related to the civic duty of home removal, the mandatory use of masks or visors, the control of body temperature, the performance of diagnostic tests, as well as safety and distance rules in establishments or places open to the public, the following rules apply:

Opening hours:

– Restaurants and cinemas/performances until 22:30;

– Commerce in general: until 21h00 on weekdays and until 19h00 on weekends and holidays.

– restaurants, cafes and pastry shops can operate limited to a maximum of six people per table inside and ten people per table on the terraces;

– the practice of all sports is now allowed, as well as and for all physical activity in the open air;

– the gyms can operate with group classes, observing the rules of safety and hygiene;

– weddings and baptisms is now limited to 50% of the venue capacity.

There will also be a change on the assessment of the epidemiological situation on the municipalities, now it will be a weekly assessment to check the improvements/regressions so that a faster progression/regression on the deconfinement will occur.

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