Communiqué from the Council of Ministers of July 29, 2021
1. The Council of Ministers approved a resolution extending the situation of calamity throughout the continental national territory until 23:59 h on August 31, 2021 and amending the applicable measures.
The diploma, which enters into force on August 1, 2021, establishes a new deconfinement regime that becomes the same throughout the continental territory. The diploma defines the new phases within the scope of the gradual strategy of surveying measures to combat the COVID-19 disease pandemic, which considers several factors, including the percentage of the population with complete vaccination.
Thus, 3 phases are planned:
Phase 1 – more than 50% of the population with complete vaccination (August 1):
- the restrictions on circulation on the public road after 11 pm are eliminated;
- the current rules on sanitary and public health measures are maintained (in particular those relating to compulsory confinement, the use of masks or visors, the control of body temperature and the carrying out of tests), as well as the applicable traffic measures. air, airports and land, sea and river borders;
- cultural shows in venues of a fixed nature now have a capacity of 66% of their respective capacity;
- most of the installations, establishments and equipment that were closed are reopened, with the exception of discotheques, dance or party halls or other similar places or installations, and of popular parades and festivities or folklore or other manifestations of any nature;
- bars and other non-spectacled beverage establishments, subject to the rules established for the catering sector and similar, as long as they comply with the rules and guidelines in force and those specifically elaborated by the General Directorate of Health;
- teleworking is now recommended throughout the national territory, whenever the functions in question allow it;
- restaurant and similar establishments or cultural and sporting facilities start to operate according to the time of the respective licensing, with the limit of 02:00, with public access being excluded for new admissions from 01:00 onwards;
- with regard to the number of people per table in restaurants, the rule of a maximum of 6 people per table inside or 10 people on the terraces will apply throughout the mainland national territory;
- The rules in force in high and very high risk municipalities regarding the testing or presentation of a Digital Covid certificate for the purpose of serving meals inside restaurant establishments, on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, become applicable throughout the national territory, as well as on Fridays from 19:00;
- for access to gambling establishments, casinos, bingos or similar and to spas, spas or similar establishments, the rules laid down for access to tourist establishments or local accommodation apply (presentation by clients of COVID Digital Certificate or a test with a negative result);
- with regard to physical activity, the practice of physical activity outdoors and in gyms and gyms is now allowed throughout the mainland national territory, and for group classes it is necessary to present a COVID Digital Certificate or a test with a negative result.
Phase 2: More than 70% of the population with complete vaccination
- Restaurants, cafes and patisseries now have a maximum limit of eight people per group inside and 15 people per group on terraces;
- Citizen stores without prior appointment;
- Cultural shows in fixed nature venues with 75% capacity;
- Public transport without capacity;
- Family events (namely weddings and baptisms) now have a maximum limit of 75% of the capacity.
Phase 3: More than 85% of the population with complete vaccination
- Restaurants, cafes and patisseries with no maximum number of people per group, either indoors or on terraces;
- Establishments and equipment without capacity limits;
- Cultural shows with unlimited capacity
- Family events (namely weddings and baptisms) no longer have capacity limits;
- Bars and clubs reopen their usual activity upon presentation of an EU COVID Digital Certificate or a negative test result.