Decree law 40-A/2020 dated 29th May extending the declaration of the calamity situation in the context of Covid-19 disease pandemic until 23.59 hrs 14th June 2020

Read the Decree law 40-A/2020 in English here
Original Portuguese version here


Arising from the decree law a number of guides have been produced buy government to help with the implementation These where possible have been translated into English by Safe Communities and can be found on the Guide page here.

Following revoked

Communiqué of the Council of Ministers of 15 May 2020

The Council of Ministers approved on 15th May a resolution that extends the declaration of a stituation of calamity until 23h59 on May 31, continuing the process of de-confinement begun on April 30, without questioning the evolution of the epidemiological situation in Portugal.
Read The Communique In English Here

Decree law dated 17th May extending the declaration of the calamity situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic to 23.59 hrs 31st May

Read the Decree law DRE 38/2020 in English HERE
Original in Portuguese here

Decree Law – Access, occupation and use of bathing beaches

Publication: Diário da República no. 101/2020, Series I of 2020-05-25
Issuer: Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Proponent Entity: Environment and Climate Action

Read It In English Here
Download Pdf Here

News 11th of May

Decree-Law no. 20/2020 of May 1. Summary: Changes the exceptional and temporary measures

Read about the changes in english here

Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 33-A / 2020
Declares the situation of calamity
In English Here

Communication from the Council of Ministers on 30th April 2020

The Council of Ministers approved today the strategy for the lifting of the containment measures in the fight against the Covid-19 disease pandemic.

Thanks to the efforts of the Portuguese, and in a context of broad compromise between the different sovereign bodies, it was possible to contain the pandemic and ensure the safety of the Portuguese, making it possible to proceed with the gradual lifting of the containment measures with a view to starting the recovery and revitalization phase of our life in society and our economy.

It is essential that the implementation of measures be progressive and gradual, and that the effects of the measures on the evolution of the pandemic be systematically evaluated, in order to resume economic activity and life in society with the guarantee that the pandemic remains under control.

The timetable for the containment measures implementation strategy contains a 15-day period between each phase to assess the impacts of the measures on pandemic evolution, taking into account the continuous updating of data and the assessment of the situation by health authorities.

Regarding the rules, the mandatory use of masks in public transport (users and workers), in public services, in schools (employees, teachers and students, except children up to the age of 6) and in commercial and service establishments open to the public is instituted. Hand washing and respiratory etiquette recommendations are maintained, as well as physical distancing.

Among the measures to be adopted in the coming weeks, and whose implementation must respect conditions such as the availability of masks and disinfectant gel and the regular disinfection of spaces, are included (complete table attached):

From the 4th of May

Compulsory confinement for sick and actively supervised persons, and civic duty to remain at home;
Prohibition of events or gatherings with more than 10 people;
Funerals only in the presence of relatives;
People should continue to work from home/remotely whenever the situation permits;
In public transport, buses with driver’s cabin; and disinfectant gel dispensers (maximum capacity of 66%);
In public services, decentralized counters to assist the public (service by appointment);
In local commerce, opening of stores with doors open to the street up to 200m2 (capacity of 5 people per 100m2); hairdressers, manicures and similar (by appointment);
bookstores and automobile-related trade, regardless of the area;
In the area of culture, opening of libraries and archives (reduced capacity and physical distancing);
Individual outdoor sports allowed.

From May 18

– Reopening of schools for the 11th and 12th grades, from 10am to 5pm, of crèches (with the option of supporting the family), and of social equipment for those with disabilities;

Reopening of commercial establishments with a floor area or parts of a shop open to the street up to 400m2;
Reopening of restaurants, cafes and bakeries (50% occupancy);
Reopening of outdoor terraces
Municipalities can decide to open larger establishments on a case by case basis
Opening of museums, monuments and palaces, art galleries and similar (reduced capacity and physical distance).
From 30/31 of May

Resumption of religious ceremonies, with rules to be defined between the DGS and religious denominations;
Resumption of official football competitions.

From June 1st

Partial teleworking, with lagged schedules or mirror teams;
Reopening of the Citizens’ Bureaux;
Opening of stores with an area of more than 400 m2 or inserted in shopping centres;
Re-opening of crèches, pre-school and ATL;
Reopening of cinemas, theatres, auditoriums and concert halls (reduced capacity and physical distance).

PM desconfinamento 30 April

Council of Ministers plan of Measures

Table of Measures

The Council of Ministers have decided on 30th April to introduce a Statement of Calamity to commence upon the expiration on the second extension of the State of Emergency.