
The genetic DNA database was created seven years ago. If all defendants sentenced to more than three years in prison were on the platform, they would already have 42,000 profile samples. But there are only 6000 according to  Diario de Noticais.

The DNA database, created in 2010 to help investigate unresolved crimes, currently has 8398 samples and of those just over 6000 are of convicted, advances today’s edition of the newspaper Público. The new president of the National Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Francisco Côrte Real, criticized the fact that the insertion of data in the database currently depends on the decision of each judge and argues that it is necessary to automate this process to be more successful.

“In the case of the convicted, we have the assumption of having an order of the judge. There are magistrates who understand that the profile must be integrated in the base and others that do not.  Therefore we have a number below what could exist today and what exists In most European databases, “Francisco Côrte Real told Público.

The supervisory board of the DNA Profiles Database has already submitted to Parliament a proposal to revise the law that created this platform. If the proposal is accepted, the samples of those sentenced will automatically go to the database.