DECREE-LAW No. 10-D / 2020 – DIARY OF THE REPUBLIC No. 58/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-03-23
Establishes exceptional and temporary measures to respond to the COVID-19 disease epidemic related to the electronic communications sector
DECREE-LAW No. 16/2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 74/2020, SERIES I OF 2020-04-15
Establishes exceptional and temporary rules for the practice of acts by means of remote communication, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19
DECREE-LAW No. 10-I / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 61/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020- 03-26
Establishes exceptional and temporary measures to respond to the pandemic of the disease COVID-19 in the cultural and artistic scope, especially with regard to shows not performed
Find out more support measures for the arts, here .
LAW Nº 7/2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC Nº 71-A / 2020, SERIES I OF 2020- 04-10
Establishes exceptional and temporary response regimes for the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, and makes the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 10-I / 2020, of 26 March, and the fourth amendment to Law No. 27/2007 , of July 30
Ordinance No. 71-A / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 52-A / 2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-03-15 REVOKED
Defines and regulates the terms and conditions for the granting of immediate support of an extraordinary, temporary and transient nature, intended for workers and employers affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, with a view to maintaining jobs and mitigating situations of business crisis
This Ordinance is revoked by Decree-Law no. 10-G / 2020 , but the requests requesting financial support, delivered under this Ordinance no. 71-A / 2020 , of 15 March, before the entry into force of the present decree-law, remain effective, being analyzed in the light of this decree-law.
ORDER No. 3485-C / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 56/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES II OF 2020-03-19
Determines the suspension of training actions or activities foreseen in the projects included in the active measures of employment and professional rehabilitation due to the closure of facilities due to the risk of contagion by COVID-19
DECREE-LAW No. 10-G / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 61/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-03-26
Establishes an exceptional and temporary job protection measure, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
DECREE-LAW No. 10-K / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 61/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-03-26
Establishes an exceptional and temporary regime of justified absences motivated by assistance to the family, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic
DECREE-LAW No. 10-F / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 61/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-03-26
Establishes an exceptional and temporary regime for complying with tax obligations and social contributions, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic
ORDER No. 4395/2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 71-A / 2020, SERIES II OF 2020-04-10
Defines complementary rules to Order no. 3485-C / 2020 , of 17 March, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 56, 1st supplement, of 19 March 2020
Ordinance No. 94-A / 2020 – DIARY OF THE REPUBLIC No. 74/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-04-16
Regulates the procedures for granting exceptional support for family support, extraordinary support for reducing the economic activity of self-employed workers and maintaining employment contracts in a situation of business crisis, deferral of contributions by self-employed workers and recognition of the right to extension of benefits under the social security system
ORDER No. 4698-F / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 76/2020, 4th SUPPLEMENT, SERIES II OF 2020-04-17
Determines the extension of the suspension of classroom training activities, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19
Ordinance No. 94-B / 2020 – DIARY OF THE REPUBLIC No. 76/2020, 2nd SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-04-17
Suspends the verification of the requirement of non-existence of debts of candidate or promoter entities to IEFP, IP, for the approval of applications and payment of financial support by IEFP, IP, to the respective entities, within the scope of employment and professional training measures in force
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