ORDER No. 2836-A / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 43/2020, 2nd SUPPLEMENT, SERIES II OF 2020-03-02
It orders public employers to draw up a contingency plan in line with the guidelines issued by the Directorate-General for Health, within the scope of prevention and control of infection by a new Coronavirus (COVID-19)

ORDER No. 3547-A / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 57-B / 2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES II OF 2020-03-22
Regulates the declaration of a state of emergency, ensuring the functioning of supply chains for goods and essential public services, as well as the operating conditions under which they must operate

Extends the deferral of installments falling due within the scope of the National Strategic Reference Framework or in Portugal 2020 to all companies, due to the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus – COVID 19

DECREE-LAW No. 10-L / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 61/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020- 03-26
Amends the general rules for the application of the European Structural and Investment Funds, in order to allow the anticipation of payment requests
This decree-law makes the fourth amendment to Decree-Law no. 159/2014, of 27 October. See its consolidated version, here.
To allow the integrated and systematic reading of the normative acts described in Ordinance No. 95/2020 , of April 18, you can consult the consolidated versions of Decree-Law No. 137/2014 , of September 12 (which establishes the model governance of the Structural and Investment Funds for the period 2014-2020), of Decree-Law no. 159/2014 , of 27 October (which establishes the general rules for the application of operational programs and rural development programs financed European Structural and Investment Funds, for the 2014-2020 programming period), Ordinance No. 57-A / 2015 , of 27 February (which adopts the Specific Regulation on the Field of Competitiveness and Internationalization) and the Decree-Law No. 6/2015 , of 8 January (which establishes the conditions and rules to be observed in the creation of incentive systems applicable to companies in the territory of the continent).

LAW No. 4-B / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 68/2020, 3rd SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-04-06
Establishes an exceptional regime of compliance with the measures provided for in the Municipal Adjustment Programs and indebtedness of local authorities, within the scope of the COVID-19 disease pandemic, and proceeds to the second amendment to Law No. 1-A / 2020, of 19 March

DECREE-LAW No. 14-A / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 69/2020, 1st SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-04-07
Changes the deadline for implementing electronic invoicing in public contracts

ORDER No. 4332-C / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 70/2020, 2nd SUPPLEMENT, SERIES II OF 2020-04-08
Amendment to Order no. 3547-A / 2020 , of 22 March, which ensures the functioning of supply chains for goods and essential public services, as well as the operating conditions under which they must operate

DECREE-LAW No. 14-E / 2020 – DIARY OF REPUBLIC No. 72/2020, 2nd SUPPLEMENT, SERIES I OF 2020-04-13
Establishes an exceptional and temporary regime for the design, manufacture, import, national marketing and use of medical devices for human use and personal protective equipment
Regarding the percentage of profit on the sale, wholesale and retail, of medical devices and personal protective equipment, it is suggested to consult Order No. 4699/2020 .