Welcome to our partners
Service Standards
This page provides a unique platform of service providers here in Portugal, which demonstrate reliability and trustworthiness within their respective industries. These companies are varied ranging from insurance to property management, but are common in incorporating sound operating procedures in the delivery of their services to the public.
Each company has demonstrated a high quality of service to the community based on a proven track record in their particular field of expertise.
This consolidation of best practices helps raise standards within their industries and provides a unique point of reference for the community.
Safe Communities Portugal is therefore pleased to host on its platform those businesses that meet the above service standards and level of commitment. The companies are listed under each industry.
If you would like your business to be recognized, please contact us here for more details.

Destination Services

Estate Agent

Funeral Plans


Estate Agent

Full Service Company

Letting Agent and Property Management

Estate agent

Property Management and Rentals


Security Alarms and Access Control

Overseas Money Transfers
