Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86-A/2021


Publication: Diário da República No. 126/2021, 3rd Supplement, Series I of 2021-07-01

 Issuer: Presidency of the Council of Ministers

 Type of Diploma: Resolution of the Council of Ministers

 Number: 86-A/2021

 Pages: 128-(2) to 128-(4)


PDF version: Download


Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities under the calamity situation


Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86-A/2021

Summary: Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities in the context of the disaster situation.

The COVID-19 disease pandemic is in a growing phase, associated with the presence and proliferation of variants of concern, with an increase in incidence, as well as in the number of infected and hospitalized patients.

In this sense, the adoption of new mitigation and containment measures is justified, as well as the reinforcement of the need to maintain all the precautions that have accompanied us since the beginning of this pandemic.

Following the weekly review of the territorial scope of the COVID-19 disease containment and mitigation measures, it is determined that the following municipalities are considered “high risk municipalities” for the purposes of applicability of those measures until the next review: Alcochete, Alenquer , Arruda dos Vinhos, Avis, Braga, Castelo de Vide, Faro, Grândola, Lagoa, Lagos, Montijo, Odemira, Palmela, Paredes de Coura, Portimão, Porto, Rio Maior, Santarém, São Brás de Alportel, Sardoal, Setúbal, Silves , Sines, Sousel, Torres Vedras and Vila Franca de Xira.

In turn, in addition to the municipalities of Albufeira, Lisbon and Sesimbra – to which the measures relating to ‘very high risk municipalities’ continue to apply, as was the case last week – it happens that, given the verification of two assessments above of the 240 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, the municipalities of Almada, Amadora, Barreiro, Cascais, Constância, Loulé, Loures, Mafra, Mira, Moita, Odivelas, Oeiras, Olhão, Seixal, Sintra and Sobral de Monte Agraço are included measures concerning ‘very high risk municipalities’.

In addition to the weekly review of the territorial scope of the COVID-19 disease containment and mitigation measures, considering the aggravated epidemiological situation in municipalities that are subject to the rules of “high risk” and “very high risk”, citizens who are there must refrain from circulating on public spaces and streets, as well as on private spaces and roads similar to public roads, and remain in their respective homes, every day of the week between 23:00 h. at 05:00 h.


Pursuant to article 12 of Decree-Law no. 54-A/2021 , of 25 June, articles 12 and 13 of Decree-Law no. 10-A/2020 , of 13th of March, in its current wording, pursuant to the provisions of article 2 of Law No. 1-A/2020 , of March 19, in its current wording, of Base 34 of Law No. 95/2019 , of 4 September, of article 17 of Law no. 81/2009 , of 21 August, of article 19 of Law no. 27/2006 , of 3 July, in its current wording, and of paragraph g) of article 199 of the Constitution, the Council of Ministers resolves:

1 – Amend no. 3 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 74-A/2021 , of June 9, in its current wording, which now reads as follows:

«3 – …

The) …

b) The commission and participation for the crime of disobedience, under the terms and for the purposes of subparagraph b) of paragraph 1 of article 348 of the Penal Code, approved by Decree-Law No. 48/95 , of 15 of March, in its current wording, of article 6 of Law no. 27/2006 , of July 3, in its current wording, for violation of the provisions of articles 3-A, 9, 39. º, 41-A, 48-A and 49 of the regime attached to this resolution, and also of mandatory confinement by those subject to it under the terms of article 3 of the said regime;

ç) …”

2 – Amend articles 2 and 3-A of the regime annexed to Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 74-A/2021 , of 9 June, in its current wording, which now have the following wording :

“Article 2


1 – …

2 – The provisions of section i of chapter iii are especially applicable to municipalities in mainland national territory that are not referred to in the following numbers, which, in accordance with the criteria defined in Council of Ministers Resolution no. 70-B/2021 , of June 4, are part of phase 1 of the strategy for surveying containment measures in the context of combating the COVID-19 disease pandemic.

3 – …

a) Alcochete;
b) Alenquer;
c) Arruda dos Vinhos;
d) Avis;
e) Braga;
f) Castelo de Vide;
g) Faro;
h) Grândola;
i) Lagoa;
j) Lagos;
k) Montijo;
l) Odemira;
m) Palmela;
n) Paredes de Coura;
o) Portimão;
p) Porto;
q) Rio Maior;
r) Santarém;
s) São Brás de Alportel;
t) Sardoal;
u) Setúbal;
v) Silves;
w) Sines;
x) Sousel;
y) Torres Vedras;
z) Vila Franca de Xira.

4 – …

a) Albufeira;
b) Almada;
c) Amadora;
d) Barreiro;
e) Cascais;
f) Constância;
g) Lisboa;
h) Loulé;
i) Loures;
j) Mafra;
k) Miraa)

l) Moita;
m) Odivelas;
n) Oeiras;
o) Olhão;
p) Seixal;
q) Sesimbra;
r) Sintra;
s) Sobral de Monte Agraço.


Article 3-A


1 – Without prejudice to the following paragraph, it is prohibited to travel to and from the Lisbon Metropolitan Area in the period between 3:00 pm on July 2, 2021 and 06:00 am on July 5, 2021, without prejudice to the exceptions provided for in article 11 of Decree No. 9/2020 , of 21 November, which are applicable with the necessary adaptations.

two – …”

3 – Add to sections ii and iii of chapter iii of the regime annexed to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 74-A/2021 , of 9 June, in its current wording, respectively, articles 41-A and 48 .º-A, with the following wording:

“Article 41-A

Limitations on circulation in high-risk municipalities

In high-risk municipalities, daily, between 11:00 pm and 5:00 am, citizens must refrain from circulating in public spaces and streets, as well as in private spaces and streets equivalent to public streets, and stay in their respective domicile, without prejudice to the exceptions provided for in article 11 of Decree No. 9/2020 , of 21 November, which are applicable with the necessary adaptations.

Article 48-A

Circulation limitations in very high risk municipalities

In very high risk municipalities, the provisions of article 41-A apply.”

4 – Determine that this resolution enters into force on the day following its publication.

Presidency of the Council of Ministers, 1 July 2021. – The Prime Minister, António Luís Santos da Costa.