In October 2020, the ANEPC launched the InfoRiscos Portal with the aim of disseminating to the public information on the identification and characterization of natural, technological or mixed phenomena that may affect the territory of mainland Portugal.
Access to information on the risks to which citizens are subject, in each area of the territory, is not only a legal obligation, but also an essential tool to ensure the awareness of the population regarding self-protection and, thus, to promote a better application of the precautionary and preventive principles, contributing to the adoption of measures that reduce the consequences of serious accidents or catastrophes.
The information now available on this new Portal, based on the Geographic Information System (GIS), is supported by the document “National Risk Assessment” (ANR), adopted by the National Civil Protection Commission in 2019, describing, for each risk , the analysis process and the data used, the evaluation methodology being centred on the susceptibility and mapping of the exposed elements, including an estimate of the degree of severity of potential damage and the probability of the risk occurring.
There are 25 risks identified such as flooding, radiological, fire, earthquake etc. The drop down menu for each risk is on the right of the screen.
The ANEPC Risk Portal can be downloaded here
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