Type: Forest settlement

Ocorrência: 0230950499

Registered at 13h49 5th August 2023


UPDATE: 0800 hrs 16th August 2023

Fire remains at conclusion 69 operatives and 23 vehicles deployed


UPDATE 1850 hrs

The fire is now in CONCLUSION (again)

Deployment – 134 operatives and 45 vehicles.

With high temperatures and string winds we can still expect more re-kindles.


Fire now in RESOLUTION 133 operatives 46 vehicles and 1 helicopter deployed.

UPDATE: 1700 hrs

According to the Alentejo Litoral Sub-regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command, the rekindling occurred between a burned area and an unburned area, in an area of ​​pine forest. The wind is moderate and the flames are giving way to the work of firefighters on site.


The fire has just rekindled having been at conclusion for the last two days

A source from the Alentejo Litoral Sub-Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command told the Lusa agency that the alert for a rekindling in the rural fire perimeter was given at 14:49.

Contacted by Lusa, the mayor of Odemira, Hélder Guerreiro, explained that the rekindling took place in an area between Delfeira and Relva Grande, in the parish of São Teotónio, in this Alentejo municipality.

Deployment: 145 operatives supported by 45 vehicles and 4 aircraft

UPDATE: 0710 HRS 12th August 2023

Fire remains at conclusion with 531 operatives supported by 179 vehicles deployed

UPDATE: 2200 HRS 11th August

The fire was brought to a Conclusion at 2106 hrs


Fire remains at resolution with reduced deployment at 652 operatives supported by 223 vehicles


Remains at resolution. 750 operatives supported by 250 vehicles and 3 aircraft deployed.

Public appreciation and response to the populations by Teotonia council

Finally and at the end of four long days, the great fire that broke out in São Miguel, in the Parish of São Teotónio, was dominated, after a huge burning area of 8000 ha. Despite full attention continuing on the consolidation effort, with many resources on the ground, concerns point to urgent support for populations, economic activity and planning action for rebuilding prospects for the future.

After the flames and the tragedy that ravages our council, we have to deal with the enormous damage to forests, agriculture and tourism and the social impact generated. The population of the Parish of São Teotónio, the affected entrepreneurs and producers need a future, hope and an answer.

Over these days, the President of the Municipal Council, Hélder Guerreiro, has established various contacts with the Government, in the sense of opening doors to support lines for the territory, both in the agricultural, tourism and social sectors.

Contacts were signed with the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, the Minister of Internal Administration, the Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, the Minister of Agriculture and Food, the Secretary of State for Tourism, Trade and Services, as well as with the President of Tourism of Portugal and the President from the ICNF

To enhance the articulation of efforts between all emergency and security forces and public and social solidarity entities involved, both in the relocation and protection of people and goods, as well as the direct fight against fire.

Highlight for the enormous humility and dignity of all the population who have been displaced from their homes by the authorities, entrusting their assets to those who were on the ground. Returning home safely was a priority of the Municipal Civil Protection Service and GNR action among the population.

Huge thanks to the solidarity movement generated by the population, associations, parishioners and companies of Odemira council, through the delivery of meals, water and other drinks to the ground-based operatives and displaced citizens. The landscape has changed, but there’s been an obvious gain in the sense of belonging and community.

It is time to lift the losses and needs of the population affected by the fire. The 964 697 306 municipal line is available to support the population, businesses and producers to register information on loss of goods, production, rations or others as well as donations.


Fire remains at resolution, 843 operatives with 283 vehicles deployed

The Civil protection expect that there could be reactivations within the area hence there are still over 1100 operatives deployed and 13 aircraft.

This means that the fire is not yet suppressed, and it is dangerous to enter the affected area unless the authorities have allowed people to do so in certain locations such as those displaced and returning home.

Do not become a fire spectator joining those getting some sort of pleasure seeing the aftermath of fires !! You will not be welcomed!

It is also extremely important to exercise great care in terms of fire prevention in the general area, indeed everywhere, given the weather conditions at present .


Deployment 879, supported by 296 vehicles and 4 aircraft

The firefighters who carry out aftermath and surveillance in the perimeter of the fire in Odemira, in the district of Beja, considered to be under control on Wednesday, today prevented two rekindles from gaining major proportions, revealed the president of the town hall.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, the mayor of Odemira, Hélder Guerreiro, indicated that, throughout today, there were “two small rekindles”, which “were quickly suppressed” by the firefighters who remain on site.

“These are rekindles, with small flames, which, if not extinguished, become big”, he said.

According to the mayor, the fire-fighting device “will remain for a few more days” on the ground for work on “aftermath, surveillance and cooling of hot spots to prevent future flare-ups”.

“Aerial means are also maintained to monitor and work on the suppression of some hot zones”, he stressed.

On the part of the municipality, Hélder Guerreiro stressed that the survey of the damage caused by the flames and the search for solutions for farmers who were left without food for the animals is ongoing.

“And we are calling the Government here. It is essential for them to help implement support measures, he added.

According to information available on the website of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection, the fire mobilized, at 16:00 today, 912 operators, supported by 314 vehicles and two aerial means.





Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who was speaking to TVI and RTP on a beach in the Algarve, considered that “now what is at stake, in addition to the forest, is agriculture and tourism”.

The head of state stressed that “there was great solidarity” that “was spectacular”, with “farmers who helped farmers, neighbouring municipalities who helped this municipality”.

“But now it is necessary to roll up our sleeves and see how the response to such great devastation is put into the eternal”, he warned.

The President of the Republic indicated that the “problem in Odemira, in addition to the wind, was the temperature, lack of humidity and the difficulty, due to the relief, the orography, to respond”, but considered that, “even so, the answer was what was possible in these circumstances”.

Considering that “today is unfortunately too hot”, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said he hoped that “there would not be too many of these days, because it would be convenient to maintain a certain drop in temperature”.

Deployment: 874 operatives 290 operatives and 4 aircraft


At 1200 hrs, there were 1015 operational on the ground, supported by 346 vehicles and five air assets, according to information published on the website of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC).

The fire, which was considered under control at 10:15 am on Wednesday, still maintains several points of concern, especially on the southern front, so firefighters should remain on the ground in the coming days, said a source from Civil Protection in a ‘briefing’ ‘ held on Wednesday.

The southern front of the fire touches the Algarve municipalities of Monchique and Aljezur (Faro district), where the flames also entered, having reached the village of Odeceixe, in Aljezur, on Monday afternoon.

The area burned by this fire covers around 8,400 hectares, in a perimeter of 50 kilometres.

Since the start of the fire, 42 people have been assisted by medical teams on site and nine have been transported to hospital units, with no record of serious situations.

The President of the Republic said today that the solidarity in Odemira and neighbouring municipalities, between farmers and in the world of tourism was extraordinary”, he said in statements to CNN Portugal, saying that these two sectors had been, above all, the sectors most affected.

The head of state admitted that it was “a very difficult period” and that it was a “very long stretch”. “Now, it is necessary to put the recovery on its feet”, praising the “tireless” work of the mayor of Odemira.


There has been little change since the briefings given yesterday evening. Deployment is 973 operatives supported by 332 vehicles.

Last night the Minister of Internal Administration today asked that “all attention and all precautions” be maintained in the coming days, given the high risk of fire, noting that the priority at the moment is to consolidate the aftermath of the fire in Odemira.

“Despite these improvements of the last few hours, the situation is very demanding and we cannot relax”,


The current priority in the Odemira fire is to keep it under control, with concern about the change in wind to the north which, if there are reactivations, could take the fire to the Monchique mountains, Civil Protection said today.

. We are already in a phase of aftermath operations and consolidation of the aftermath and it is important to carry out this monitoring and above all, now with this wind rotation to the north, in which the fire, if it reactivates, could enter the Monchique mountain range, this is the  maximum priority. We are currently continuing work on the ground, with teams from different Civil Protection agents”, said national commander André Fernandes today.

At a press conference at the headquarters of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC), which was also attended by the Minister of Internal Administration, José Luís Carneiro, and the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Patrícia Gaspar, the national commander, André Fernandes , underlined that at the end of the afternoon there were no significant occurrences active in the country and by 17:00 38 rural fires had been registered.

In the Odemira fire, the focus is now on “continuous consolidation and monitoring work” of the fronts, with concern for the northern front, which in case of reactivation could advance to the Monchique mountains.

Right now the fire is stabilized but we will maintain these actions for the next two days. Tonight and tomorrow night, together with daytime work, will be fundamental to guarantee that we can consider this fire extinct”, said André Fernandes.

Regarding this fire, the national commander also underlined the importance of the work of the air resources to guarantee the stabilization of the fire, referring that the night flights of the evaluation and reconnaissance plane made it possible to identify and verify the perimeter and hot spots, information transmitted to the command on the ground that allowed the stabilization of the fire.

In the aftermath work, 1,015 operators and 315 vehicles remain, which were supported throughout today by 13 air means.


Damage update

Press confetrence held earlier today. In the Alentejo municipality of Odemira, there is a record of a tourist unit that burned almost entirely and of a first home destroyed, both located in Vale Juncal , in São Teotónio , the mayor of Odemira (Alentejan district of Beja ), Hélder Guerreiro , at a press conference at the command post.

In the Algarve municipality of Monchique, where the fire entered at the end of the day on Monday, an area of ​​426 hectares burned, mainly bush and eucalyptus, but also some medronho and cork oaks, said the mayor.

“There was no major damage to record, apart from biodiversity”, underlined Paulo Alves, recalling that during the fire it was necessary to remove 20 people from their homes, in the areas of Passil , Selão and Foz do Besteiro .

In Aljezur , in the district of Faro, the mayor of the municipality, José Gonçalves , indicated that he was aware of a burned house, which will be a holiday home, in the Boavista area, in Odeceixe , a village that on Monday was surrounded by flames .

Underlining that he does not yet have concrete data, the Algarve mayor said that now is the time to put the teams on the ground and survey the damage, showing concern about possible reactivations of the fire.



After nearly 5 days the Fire is now at a RESOLUTION Stage. This means that the perimeters of the fire are under control.

There is much work however left to do to bring it to a conclusion


1108 operatives supported by 367 vehicles and 15 aircraft

In Odeceixe, people had to defend their houses from the fire that, in the middle of the morning, threatened several houses. The fire that broke out in Odemira was close to several first-time homes.

 There are means around the entire perimeter, the little active flame is inside the burnt area. We are in a position to declare the fire under control”, said the commander, in a press conference, where he also left a alert: “We are going to have many reactivations throughout the day, also because the wind has changed quadrant.”

To journalists, the Civil Protection Commander also said that “there are some points [of the fire] that still deserve some attention and concern over the next few days”, so the current device in place will be maintained.

There are at least two army platoons involved in strengthening the surveillance of burned areas. Deployed from Santa Margarida, they also collaborate with firefighters in aftermath operations.



Operational: 1025; Vehicles: 286  Air assets: 15 (2 light helicopters, 1 heavy helicopter – Kamov, 8 medium amphibious aircraft – Fireboss, 2 heavy amphibious aircraft – Canadair, 1  reconnaissance and assessment aircraft and 1 coordination helicopter)

Other specialized means: 17 Tracking Machines

Among the different entities that contribute to the resolution of this exceptional occurrence, we highlight the

Firefighters with the greatest number of means and resources, along with the GNR (territorial and UEPS), ICNF, Sappers Florestais, Afocelca, Armed Forces, INEM, CVP, SMPC of Odemira, Aljezur and Monchique, SIRESP, E-Redes, Altice, and ANEPC’s own means (operational structure, technical-operational support and the special civil protection).

Command and control is being ensured, from 12:00 pm today, by the Post Algarve regional command (EPCO) for complex operations.


Active fire with 2 fronts, with an area of interest approaching 9,000 ha, characterized by extensive areas of pine forest, adult and young eucalyptus, cork oaks, strawberry trees and bushes and a scattered building and rural/urban interface zones that required a dispersion of combat means for actions to protect the populations and protected heritage..

On the northern front, the most critical points without the capacity to combat land assets and difficult progression, with a terrain unfavourable to the operation of machines, in the localities of Delfeiras, Maroucos and Taliscas, areas north of the fire. This is in the process of  tabilization, but still with the potential for o perimeter expansion.

On the south front, two slopes of greatest concern, in the municipality of Aljezur with a critical line from Galé from Baixo to Barracão de Baixo. On the line facing the Monchique mountains, close to the town of Reguengo, there are multiple critical points with access to sensitive areas with the ability of quick progression, with no possibility of deletion or access by terrestrial means. This zone of possible expansion south, which hasn’t burned since 2003.

Throughout the day, there were multiple reactivations on the perimeter, which took on a dimension that required a muscular response from the resources on the ground.

All these critical points are accompanied by means, however they do not allow progression and combat on the ground with terrestrial means, which limits its resolution.

As a result of the steep slope with embedded valleys, along with the constant reactivations, the starts are quickly out of suppression capacity, aggravated by the lack of conditions conducive to progression with crawler machines in the consolidation process.

The strategy for the next night, as soon as there is a drop in temperature, an increase in humidity and wind de-intensification, aims to sustain fire stabilization and reinforce the process of perimeter consolidation.


36 people were assisted by the National Institute of Medical Emergencies (INEM), most of them emergency civil protection, 8 of which were transported to the hospital unit (5 firefighters and 3 public).

So far, they have been moved by the GNR, with the support of the Portuguese Red Cross (CVP) and the firefighters 1,459 people as a precaution, of whom 148 received in areas of concentration and support for population, established by municipal civil protection services, in articulation with social security and social action services in the affected municipalities.

At the moment we still have 79 people in Concentration and Population Support Zones (ZCAP), from according to information in the table below.

Preventively, 124 animals of different species were removed from threatened areas, accompanied by by the veterinary services of the municipal councils.


 EM 501 – cut

 CM 1186 – cut

 Passil/Marmelete road – cut

 EM 1002 – cut off.

QUADRO METEO from 19:00:

Change of wind direction to EAST; Temperature Decrease: 30° reaching lows of 22° degrees during the night. Humidity increase: 50% increasing during the night and dawn reaching 97%


The Municipal Civil Protection Service of Odemira installed an Information Point, next to the entrance of the São Teotónio Fairs and Exhibitions Park, available to provide information to the population, service also available through the number 964 697 306.

Odemira’s municipal civil protection emergency plan has been activated since 2:30 pm on the 6th of August, in full articulation with ANEPC within the framework of the integrated system of protection and help.


The number of hectares burned in Odemira has risen to 10,000, said the regional commander of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Algarve, Vítor Vaz Pinto, who hopes in the “next hours to have a safer fire than what is currently found”

“The North front is stabilized, that is, Odemira, but on the South front we effectively have two situations there”, said Vítor Vaz Pinto in the last assessment given to journalists, around 7:30 pm, adding that the fight against the flames is more complicated at the intersection with the Algarve municipalities of Aljezur and Monchique.

For the night it is “difficult” to say what the expectation is, due to the unpredictable variables, but “the means are strategically placed”, he guaranteed


Deployment 1030 operatives, supported by 347 vehicles and two aircraft

The ANEPC makes, at this hour, a new update on the fire in Odemira. Commander Vítor Vaz Pinto begins by saying that the fire “is still active” on “two fronts”.

During the afternoon, there were “several reactivations, which were promptly extinguished by the forces that are dispersed over more than 50 km from the perimeter of this fire”, however, the change in the wind to the south will make it difficult to control the flames in that area. “They will be more demanding,” he said.

The commander also highlights that “all the measures were taken, all the work that was possible to carry out, were carried out in order to minimize the consequences of this occurrence”.

At the Civil Protection briefing, it was also revealed that, despite being just a preventive measure, there are 1,459 displaced people following the fire in Odemira.

People were sent to “safe places”, many of them “to the areas of concentration and support for the population, located in the parish of Santo António, in Odemira, in Monchique, in Aljezur and São Teotónio”.

The situation in Aljezur, in the Algarve, remains unstable due to the fire that broke out on Saturday in the neighbouring municipality of Odemira (Beja), with at least one house burned down, the mayor of the Algarve municipality told Lusa.

“There is a house that burned, but at the moment I don’t have more data,” José Gonçalves told Lusa, adding that small annexes and other buildings in that municipality in the district of Faro also burned.

According to the mayor, the most worrying situation is in the area between the parishes of Rogil and Odeceixe, where, since this morning, the intensity of the flames has been improving or worsening depending on the direction of the wind, with several rekindles.

The intention of the firefighters is to try to control the fire at the end of the day and night today, because tomorrow [Wednesday] the wind changes”, he said, adding that one of the fire fronts is progressing towards Marmelete (Monchique) and another in Rogil (Aljezur).


The EFFIS current Situation Viewer shows hot spots detected in the last 24 hours

The smaller area to the south is the Aljezur, Bordeira fire which is under resolution (under control)

UPDATE: 1700 hrs

Deployment 1007 operatives supported by 330 vehicles and 14 aircraft and 13 track machines

Note: The following gives a very clear outline of difficulties faced in fighting this fire.

The fire of São Miguel, in the Parish of São Teotonio, is still active with two fronts, northwest (delfeira zone) and south (in the councils of Aljezur and Monchique), with an area of interest of about 7,000 ha, characterized by extensive areas of pine, adult and young eucalyptus, soberiros, medronheiros and bushes

Various critical points are accompanied by the ground resources. However, the sharp decline with enclosed valleys, coupled with constant reactivations, does not allow progress and combat on the ground with terrestrial means, aggravated by the absence of conditions conducive to progress with track machines in the consolidation process.

In the operations theatre there are currently 828 operations, 254 ground means, 13 air means and 13 track machines.

People have been displaced, for protection against the approaching fires, by the GNR, with the support of the Portuguese Red Cross and the Firefighters, a total of 1,440 people, welcomed in Zones of Population Support Concentration (ZCAP) established by the Municipal Civil Protection Services, in conjunction with the Social Security and Fire Services. Social action of the affected municipalities. At the ZCAPe installed at the EB School 2,3 of São Teotónio 110 people stayed overnight and 82 citizens continued in the morning. At the ZCAP of the Odemira Sports Pavilion 108 people spent the night, 26 of whom stayed until lunchtime. Monchique and Aljezur ZCAP are still in operation.

The place of Maroucos, about eight kilometers from the parish of São Teotónio, where the rural fire started on Saturday afternoon, has no more than 50 inhabitants, who live in houses or farms scattered around the area.

Many, especially the elderly, have already left their homes, as a precaution, but a group of residents remains at the site, helping each other fight the flames and providing support to the firefighters.

Until 12:30, 35 people were assisted by INEM, mostly civil protection agents, 7 of whom were transported to the hospital unit (4 firefighters and 3 popular).

UPDATE: 1230 hrs

Deployment 909 operatives ,307 vehicles and 13 aircraft

Civil Protection has just taken stock of the fire that continues to burn in Odemira, revealing that the work carried out by the teams on the ground during the night led to “stabilization of the perimeter of the fire”. Even so, “two critical points” remain, said the regional commander of Emergency and Civil Protection, José Ribeiro.

One of the “critical points” in question is “to the north, in the Alfeira area, which still inspires a lot of concern”, and another “to the south, in what is the front facing Monchique”. These are “two critical points that will require a lot of attention, a permanent effort by all the operators throughout the day, since the meteorological picture for today will be very similar to that of yesterday”.

The commander also revealed that Civil Protection ended up “readjusting the strategic plan of action”, with regard to fighting this fire. If until yesterday the priority was to “defense and safeguard the populations”, this Tuesday the focus will be placed on “suppression of the fire itself”.

In the theatre of operations there are, at the moment, 847 operational, supported by 282 vehicles and six air means, which are “conditioned to weather conditions”, revealed José Ribeiro.

The commander also advanced that INEM provided assistance to 48 people, 28 of which are firefighters. The GNR, in turn, moved “a total of 1,438 citizens” to various locations in the municipality of Odemira.

The fire, which broke out on Saturday in the municipality of Odemira, entered at the end of the afternoon in the area of Alcanforado, in the parish of Marmelete, in an area where the municipalities of Odemira, Aljezur and Monchique converge.

Late Monday afternoon in the northern part of the municipality of Monchique, in the Algarve, forcing the evacuation of 18 people from their homes and a rural tourism unit.

Speaking to Lusa, the mayor of the municipality, Paulo Alves, said today that people were taken to the population service area installed at the Manuel Nascimento School, in Monchique.

“Some are still there, but the people who were in rural tourism have already left”, he added, adding that the tourist unit where some people were staying is located in the Foz do Besteiro area.

According to Paulo Alves, the fire, which broke out on Saturday in the municipality of Odemira (Alentejo district of Beja), entered at the end of the afternoon in the area of Alcanforado, in the parish of Marmelete, in an area of confluence between the municipalities of Odemira, Aljezur and Monchique (Faro district).

“The prevailing wind was from the southeast, but it rotated, causing projections that formed a fire front that developed towards Marmelete. It was fought during the night by firefighters and trailing machines”, he described.

According to the mayor, the high humidity at night that was felt in the area helped to fight the fire, although at 10:00 the president of that municipality still could not update the situation.

The work carried out overnight tonight to combat the rural fire allowed for “stabilization of the fire perimeter”, but there are still two critical points to be concerned about, according to Civil Protection.

“We maintain two critical points: one to the north, in the area of Delfeira, which inspires a lot of concern, and also to the south, on the front facing Monchique”, said the regional commander of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Alentejo, José Ribeiro, at a point of situation to journalists around 09:30, at the command post in São Teotónio, parish where the fire started, in the Baiona area.

José Ribeiro referred that, after the operations prioritized the defense of the populations — the GNR has already moved 1,438 citizens as a precaution -, there was an adjustment of the strategic plan and “the work of today will be more focused on suppressing the fire itself”.

The number of people assisted by the INEM in this fire rose to 40, namely 28 firefighters, four civil protection agents and eight civilians, mainly due to fatigue.

As for the roads that have conditioned circulation, the regional commander explained that the situation remains the same as Monday. In other words, the National Road (EN) 120, between São Teotónio and Odeceixe, in the neighbouring municipality of Aljezur, and the municipal roads 501, 1186, 1001 are cut off from traffic.

UPDATE: 08.50 hrs

841 operatives, 280 vehicles and 4 aircraft deployed.

Some very light rain (drizzle) in parts of Algarve reported .

DAY 4 – 8TH AUGUST 2023 0800 hrs

Satellite Image captured yesterday

UPDATE: 2300 hrs


Around 350 people displaced by the fire that is raging in the municipality of Odemira, in the district of Beja, have already been welcomed in two support structures created by the city council, revealed today the mayor of the municipality.

The update was made by the mayor of Odemira, Hélder Guerreiro, during a situation report to journalists held, at the beginning of the night, at the command post in São Teotónio, parish of this municipality where the rural fire started.

“We created a reception center in São Teotónio, at [school] EB 2,3 de São Teotónio, and 271 people have already passed through there”, he added, noting that now “there are about 180 people” who are in that space.

Hélder Guerreiro stressed that people who, in the meantime, left this reception centre found “more favourable solutions” and others, such as tourists, ended up continuing their holidays elsewhere or shortening their holidays.

“And in Odemira, with a partnership with the Social Security of Beja, we have also set up another reception centre for the population, taking into account the evacuation that was made to the locality of São Miguel”, he stressed.

According to the mayor, this space located in the county seat accommodates 80 of the approximately 250 people who live in the village of São Miguel, one of the villages that had to be evacuated, as a precaution, due to the fire.

The mayor noted that four tourist units in the municipality were evacuated and that, for now, there is no information on houses affected by the flames.

“There are many houses around the perimeter of the fire” whose surrounding area “suffered the natural consequences of the passage of the fire”, he added.

Also speaking to journalists, the territorial commander of Beja of the GNR, Galvão da Silva, said that, so far, 19 small villages have been evacuated, most in the municipality of Odemira and one in Monchique, in addition to the Camping Park of São Miguel. .

The evacuated places, he explained, are Vale de Alhos, Vale de Água, Relva Grande, Selão, Corgos, Choças, Sobral, Vale de Água Schools, Vale dos Alhinhos, Reguengos, Delfeira, São Miguel, Maroco, Moita, Monte Moinho, Zambujeira de Baixo, Vale Juncal, Juncalinho and Baiona.

According to the official, road traffic is cut off on National Road (EN) 120, between São Teotónio and Odeceixe, in the neighboring municipality of Aljezur.

The GNR official pointed out that Municipal Roads (EM) 501, between São Teotónio and Relva Grande, and 1186, between São Miguel and Vale dos Olhos, in the parish of São Teotónio, are also closed to traffic.


Around 1,400 people have already been “preventively displaced” due to the fire that broke out on Saturday in Odemira (Beja district) and which spread by 1,257 hectares per hour this afternoon, according to Civil Protection.

Speaking to journalists at 19:30, at the command post in São Teotónio — parish where the rural fire started, in the Baiona area -, the regional commander of Emergency and Civil Protection of Alentejo, José Ribeiro, said that 125 animals were also displaced and that 22 people received medical assistance, all in “less serious situations”.

Of these 22 people, four (three firefighters and one civilian) were treated in a hospital setting and 18 (14 firefighters and four civilians) were assisted on site.

At stake were cases of fatigue and anxiety, he specified.

According to José Ribeiro, the fight against the flames – which this afternoon entered Odeceixe, in the Algarve municipality of Aljezur – has been carried out in “very difficult conditions”, due to the rotation and intensity of the wind.

“The rate of expansion of the fire between 12:00 and 17:00 was 1,257 hectares per hour and at this stage we have an area of ​​interest for the theater of operations of around 6,700 hectares”, he said.

UPDATE 1800 hrs

The mayor of Odemira, Hélder Guerreiro, acknowledged today that the fire in this municipality in the district of Beja is in a “critical, difficult and complex” situation, with “about 150 people” having already been evacuated.

According to Hélder Guerreiro, the advance of the flames has already led to the removal of close to 150 people from houses and accommodation located in “small places” but also in localities “already of some size”, namely São Miguel and Vale Juncal, both in the parish of São Teotónio.

“About 150 people have already passed through the reception centre in São Teotónio [installed in the basic school 2.3] and it is only now that a group is going to Odemira”, he announced.

The mayor added that, until mid-afternoon, “no houses had burned” and that the city council was helping displaced populations with “food, transport, safeguarding goods and sleeping”.

The rural fire in an area of ​​bush and pine forest broke out in the Baiona area, in the parish of São Teotónio, in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday, and has already entered the Algarve a few times, having this afternoon surrounded Odeceixe, in the municipality of Aljezur, in the Faro district.

Deployment 818 operatives 264 vehicles and two aircraft


Photo from Tim Egan below at Alcaria do Peso looking NW about 15:45hrs today


The Odemira fire, which has been active for more than two days, has three active fronts evolving with great intensity. The various fronts of the fire that at this time cause greater concern to the Civil Protection are evolving towards Monchique municipality direction, municipality where the flames have already reached S. Teotónio and S. Luís.

Two more aerial means were activated for the location and the Civil Protection is placing more resources ahead of the fire   including a group specialized in the protection of urban agglomerations.

“There are three active fronts, all with great intensity, in a very complicated situation”, the head of the command of the Odemira Firefighters confirmed. With temperatures of 35°C and winds of 21 km/h, “it is a very complex fire that requires more resources”, said the official.


Photo taken São Teotónio at lunchtime today


The Odemira Municipal Civil Protection Service said that “during the day there may be constraints in the water supply to the population in the village of São Teotónio”.

In an assessment of the fight against the flames carried out in the early afternoon, the Civil Protection indicated that there are now three active fronts in the fire in Odemira. The intense wind caused several reignitions.


The fire that broke out on Saturday in Odemira has already forced the evacuation of four locations and a Rural Tourism unit, as a precaution, in the municipality of Odemira (Vale dos Alhos, Vale de Água, Choça dos Vales and Relva Grande), a total of more of 100 people evacuated.

The Mayor of Odemira said that the extension of the fire “is very large”, and it’s affecting an area with a larger group of houses, which creates more difficulties and challenges for firefighters. “In this area where there are always houses at risk, however the firefighters have been giving good protection to the houses”, he said.

The Municipal Civil Protection Service has reported this morning that road N120 is experiencing constraints on road traffic between São Miguel and São Teotónio, due to the fire.

Also the latest information mention that this fire in has already “crossed the river” and is in the municipality of Monchique.

Deployment 634 operatives, 206 vehicles and 12 aircrafts


Given the complexity, duration of the fire and the number of resources committed we have created a major incident page on our website containing the complete log og of the fire from start with photos and maps. Please refer here…/

Type: Forest settlement; Ocorrência: 0230950499; Registered at 13h49 of 5TH August


UPDATE: 0815 Hrs

IPMA wind forecasts for western Algarve will present difficulties for firefighters today tackling the Odemira fire. IPMA forecasting: blowing moderate to strong (30 to 45 km/h) from the southeast in the western Algarve, with gusts of up to 70 km/h and in the Serra de Monchique, with gusts of up to 80 km/h, between mid-morning and late afternoon.

Map at 1400 hrs

DAY 3 – UPDATE 0630 HRS 7th August

Fire remains active with 545 operatives supported by 196 vehicles deployed

UPDATE: 22.00 HRS 

Image of the perimeter of the #RuralFire in the area of #BaionaOdemira, at 1 pm today (06/08), created by the decision support core (NADAIR), from a multispectral image collected by the Recognition, Evaluation and Coordination Plane.

UPDATE: 1830 hrs

Due to a changing wind direction this afternoon you may see more smoke this evening in the Algarve although the fire still remains a long distance away.

Deployment 444 operatives supported by 149 vehicles and 9 aircraft.

Photo taken from Picota (Monchique) at 1730 hrs (Peter Weaver).


Odemira’s Municipal Civil Protection Service informs that ROAD 501 (SÃO TEOTÓNIO AND RELVA GRANDE) AND ROAD 1186 (SÃO MIGUEL AND VALE DOS ALHOS) HAVE RESTRICTIONS TO TRAFFIC due to this fire in the Parish of SãoTeotónio.

The population is appealed not to use these routes, to avoid constraints to the firefighting vehicles that are using it to fight the fire.

Four localities were evacuated this Sunday, “just in case”, due to the fire that has raged since Saturday afternoon in an area of bush and pine forest in the parish of São Teotónio, in the municipality of Odemira (Beja), indicated the Civil Protection.

According to the Lusa agency, the Sub-regional commander of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Alentejo Coast, Tiago Bugio, the localities of Sobral, Corgos, Choça dos Vales and Relva Grande, all in the municipality of Odemira, were evacuated “as a precaution”, but the “populations were not at risk”.

Even so, the commander admitted that the situation “is not easy”, due to “the great intensity” of the two fronts of the fire and the wind, which “complicates fighting the flames”.

In addition, he added, it is “an area of difficult access, where we are using crawler machines to flank the fire”.

The fire remains active with 446 operatives supported by 145 vehicles and 11 aircraft deployed.


The fire front heading towards the Algarve has already been subdued. Fighting the fire is proceeding favourably, with the flames “giving way to the means”, says the Civil Protection.

The fire in Odemira maintains two active fronts, and another has already been dominated, according to the Observer, a source from the Sub-Regional Command of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Alentejo Litoral. The flames continue to reach a bush and pine forest area in the parish of São Teotónio, and, for now, they are not threatening populations.

According to the same source, firefighting is progressing favourably, “with the commitment of crawler machines” .

Deployment: 378 operatives supported by 123 vehicles and 11 aircraft

UPDATE: 1130 hrs

Current deployment 336 operatives supported by 115 vehicles and 10 aircraft, including the pictured helicopter..


Fire fighters bring under control one of three fronts in Odeimira fire

Firefighters have already brought under control one of the three fronts of the fire that remains active in an area of bush and pine forest in the parish of São Teotónio, in the municipality of Odemira (Beja), indicated the Civil Protection.

“Things are better, as the front towards the Algarve is dominated. But we continue with two active fronts, one towards the North and the other towards the East”, the Sub-regional Commander of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Alentejo Litoral, Tiago Bugio, told the Lusa agency today.

According to this official, “the flames are giving way to the means of combat”, which already have seven air means, he added.

The Sub-regional Commander of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Alentejo Litoral also said that users of the São Miguel Camping Park, evacuated on Saturday afternoon due to the fire, had already returned to the park’s facilities.

Despite intense work throughout the night, the weak night recovery did not allow the fire to be extinguished in its entirety and remains with small fires active in areas of difficult access because during the morning there will be a lot of work for the operators on the ground

The alert for the fire was given at 14:49 on Saturday and currently 333 operators are fighting the flames, supported by 102 vehicles from various fire departments on the Alentejo Coast, Algarve and Baixo Alentejo, in addition to seven air vehicles.

During the operations on Saturday, some houses in the São Miguel area were evacuated “just in case” and the National Road 120 was cut between 15:00 and 22:40.


Fire remains active overnight with 317 operatives and 113 vehicles deployed.

UPDATE: 23.30 hrs

Deployment 278 operatives 98 vehicles and one helicopter.


The fire that broke in an area of bush and pine forest in the parish of São Teotónio, in the municipality of Odemira (Beja), forced the evacuation of houses, in addition to the Camping Park of São Miguel, advanced the Civil Protection.

In addition to the Camping Park, there was also a need to evacuate some houses in the São Miguel area due to the progression of the fire, which has three active fronts”, the sub-regional commander of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Alentejo Litoral, Tiago Bugio, told Lusa. .

The houses were evacuated “as a precaution” and because they were “in the direction of the fire”, said the official, who was unable to specify the number of houses covered by the measure.

Contacted by Lusa, the mayor of Odemira, Hélder Guerreiro, confirmed that, during this afternoon, the São Miguel Camping Park was “evacuated as a precaution”.

“The campsite, due to natural precautions and because it is inside a pine forest, was evacuated. The fire is in that area, on both sides of the road, and is very close to reaching the Algarve, between São Miguel and Odeceixe” , he said.

Still according to the mayor, “as a precaution, people were invited to leave [the park]”, there are “solutions in Brejão and São Teotónio, if it is necessary for people to stay overnight”.

The fire also forced the cut of Estrada Nacional 120, said the mayor.

Fighting the fire are several fire brigades from the Alentejo Coast, Algarve and Baixo Alentejo.

Deployment: 217 operatives supported by 70 vehicles and 4 aircraft

UPDATE: 1800 hrs

Deployment: Close to 150 operatives supported by four aerial means fight a fire in an area of ​​bush and pine forest in the parish of São Teotónio, in the municipality of Odemira (Beja), with three active fronts, according to civil protection.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, a source from the Alentejo Litoral Sub-regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command indicated that the flames are consuming an area of ​​bush and pine forest, in Baiona, in the parish of São Teotónio.

At 5:23 pm, the fire in the forest settlement was “active with some intensity” and with “three fronts burning with some intensity”.

“The information we have from the site indicates that the operatives are carrying out prevention at sensitive points, such as housing and a campsite in São Miguel”, said the same source.

Fighting the fire are several fire brigades from the Alentejo coast, Algarve and Baixo Alentejo

Original Report

Deployment 131 operatives, 42 vehicles and 3 aircrafts

Fire near the S.Miguel campsite in Odeceixe.

N120 – Road cut to traffic

Photos – Vigilantes da estrada

In Update