
Following the information provided by IPMA, from Sunday, October 22, and until the end of the week, the period will be dry with increased temperatures, above average ​​for this time of year.


Despite rain in some areas in recent days the conditions are favourable for the spread of rural fires should a fire start, as the country has experienced a long period of drought and there is also a large amount of material accumulated material that is likely to burn rapidly and violently in forest areas.


In view of this, it is imperative to avoid the risk of forest fires over the next few days. In accordance with the legal provisions in force and due to the extension of the critical period up to 31 October, it is not allowed to:

  • Burn bonfires for recreation or leisure or for food confectionery;
  • Use burning and combustion equipment for lighting or cooking food;
  • Burning land or debris;
  • Launch balloons with lit wick or any other type of rocket;
  • Smoking or making fire of any kind in the forest spaces and crossing or surrounding pathways;
  • Fumigate or disinfect apiaries with utensils that are not equipped with sparking devices.

In addition the ANPC states that some special precautions must be taken in relation to the predicted weather conditions, in particular as regards agricultural and forestry work:

  • Keep machines and equipment clean of oils and dust;
  • To fill the machines in cold and in a place with little vegetation;
  • Keep all sparks carefully when handling them, avoiding them during periods of high heat.

The ANPC also stresses the need for everyone to adjust their behaviour and attitudes to the forest fire hazard situation that will occur during the next few days, stressing the need to be attentive, prudent and careful in the use and enjoyment of rural aareas.

All should respect the prohibitions in force and pay special attention to the evolution of the forest fire hazard for the next few days in the different regions of the country. To this end, they should seek information through the ANPC and IPMA websites


Mangualde, Viseu, 20 out (Lusa) – A Câmara de Mangualde agradeceu hoje “a imensa solidariedade demonstrada pelos cidadãos” após os incêndios de domingo e divulgou uma lista de bens considerados prioritários para responder às necessidades das vítimas das chamas.

“Neste momento são prioritários os seguintes bens: roupas de cama; atoalhados; roupas interiores (pijamas, chinelos de quarto, etc.); produtos de higiene pessoal, utensílios de casa (tachos, pratos, panelas, etc.)”, refere a autarquia.

A lista foi elaborada pelos Serviços Técnicos do Município de Mangualde, que estão a coordenar o levantamento de todas as necessidades da população mais afetada.

“Todos estes bens devem ser entregues na Loja Social ‘Mangualde Social +’, sita na Avenida Conde D. Henrique (Prédios da Rádio). Após a receção destes bens, e face à identificação existente das necessidades mais críticas, a Câmara Municipal fará chegar esses bens, diariamente, a quem deles necessitar”, esclarece a autarquia.

Nesta primeira fase de socorro, a Câmara considera que “não é oportuno a entrega de eletrodomésticos, móveis e outros equipamentos sem que antes se promova a reconstrução das habitações atingidas”.

No entanto, os Serviços Técnicos previnem que quem quiser doar bens deste género deve indicar “as intenções/disponibilidades para essas ofertas através do telefone 232619880 ou do email“. As dádivas de materiais de construção ficarão a aguardar um levantamento mais aproximado da realidade.

O município informa ainda que disponibiliza apoio psicológico a todas as pessoas “que tendo passado por uma situação traumática, necessitam de ajuda para a sua estabilização emocional, em virtude de terem sido confrontados com uma catástrofe, cujas consequências, pessoais e coletivas, são ainda difíceis de calcular e avaliar”.




The following bulletin has been issued by the ANPC following contact today (20th October) with the IPMA taking into account available meteorological information:

 Saturday – 21 October, the occurrence of slight rainfall, from 00:00 and 12:00.hrs A decrease in maximum temperature is forecast, in the order of 3ºC in the North and Center regions, with the highest temperatures being in the Alentejo and Algarve (20 to 25ºC). The wind may intensify on the coast, turning to the north / northwest quadrant, and in the highlands can reach 30 to 45 km / h throughout the territory.

 Sunday – 22 October, the maximum temperature will rise, around 4ºC, especially in the interior of the North and Center regions. The wind will blow from the north / northeast quadrant (<20 to 30 km / h). In the highlands (quota> 800m) it will blow from the east / northeast quadrant, reaching 30 to 40 km / h by the end of the morning.

 Sea waves, which may reach 4 to 5 m, from 06:00. on Saturday (21 Out) to 22.00 hrs on Sunday, with the most critical period expected to occur from mid-morning to mid-afternoon on Saturday.


Depending on the present and predicted meteorological conditions, it is expected:

  • Possibility of flooding at coastal gullies in historically most vulnerable areas;
  • Damage to structures set up along the coast;
  • Drainage problems in urban systems, especially during periods of high tide, and may cause flooding in historically more vulnerable places;
  • Possible coastal shoreline accidents;
  • Instability of slopes due to the loss of their consistency.

The ANPC recommends to the population the adoption of preventive precautionary measures, namely:

 Ensure proper setting of loose structures;

 Take special care along the coastline and riverside areas historically more vulnerable to coastal gullies, avoiding, if possible, walking or staying in these places;

 Avoid activities related to the sea, namely sport fishing, water sports and walks by the sea, as well as parking vehicles very close to the seafront;

 Be aware of meteorological information and Civil Protection and Security Forces indications.


The Santa Comba Dão Camara is recruiting volunteers to “assist in various social tasks” and to collect items, essentially to equip homes for people affected by the fires.

“We are recruiting volunteers to help with various social tasks,” the municipality announced today, through its website, in which it makes contacts by telephone (962 728 982) and e-mail (geral@cm-santacombadao .pt), through which those interested can contact.

The Camara of Santa Comba Dão, in the district of Viseu, also asks for help for people affected by the fires on Sunday, requesting the donation of goods such as furniture, equipment and kitchen utensils, bedding and mattresses, in short “everything that is necessary to equip and furnish the dwellings that have burned and will be rebuilt.”

The delivery of goods must be done in conjunction with the Municipal Civil Protection Service, underlines the Chamber, which also opened a bank account (PT50 0035 070800029527 330 41), to support the victims of the fires in the county.

There is also a lack of “machinery and means of cleaning, demolition and clearing”, warns the local authority, calling on “all private and public entities that have this type of equipment to make available to the service of the population.”

It is necessary to “reconcile all means, private and public, to start cleaning and recovery of the county as soon as possible,” states the Camara.

“The residents of Santa Cruz, should arrive as soon as possible to quantify the losses” resulting from the fires of Sunday, October 15, 2017, states the Chamber, which makes available online, in particular, its inventory records for private constructions agricultural areas and damage to agricultural and livestock farms.


The city of Mangualde today thanked “the immense solidarity shown by the citizens” after the fires on Sunday and released a list of goods considered priority to respond to the needs of the victims of the fires. This was one of the worst area affected by fires.

“At the moment the following goods are a priority: bed linen, towels, underwear (pajamas, bedroom slippers, etc.), toiletries, household utensils (pans, dishes, pans, etc.).

The list was prepared by the Technical Services of the Municipality of Mangualde, who are coordinating the survey of all the needs of the population most affected.

“All of these goods must be delivered to the Mangualde Social + ‘Social Shop, located at Avenida Conde D. Henrique (Radio Buildings). Upon receipt of these goods, and in the light of the identification of the most critical needs, these goods will be distributed, daily, to those who need them.

In this first phase of rescue, the Chamber considers that “it is not opportune to deliver appliances, furniture and other equipment without first promoting the reconstruction of the dwellings affected.”

However, the Technical Services states that anyone who wants to donate goods of this kind should indicate “the intentions / availabilities for these offers through the phone 232619880 or the email”. The donations of building materials will await a closer survey of reality.

The municipality also informs that it provides psychological support to all people “who have experienced a traumatic situation, need help for their emotional stabilization, because they have been confronted with a catastrophe, whose personal and collective consequences are still difficult to calculate and evaluate “.

The Justice Minister, Francisca Van Dunem, said that the Judiciary Police should play a central role in the discussion on the prevention of fire crimes.
During the 72-year anniversary ceremony of the Judiciary Police in Lisbon, the Minister highlighted the “deep knowledge of the territorial network and economic interests associated with the fire activity” that the police have, and added that it has “a unique work of composition of the socio-economic profile of the arsonist ‘.
Francisca Van Dunem said that the Judiciary Police can put this knowledge at the service of prevention and take a central role in the necessary debates about the future.
The Minister also said that Portugal has “a herculean task of reconstruction and creation of patterns of behaviour and action that crystallize any repeat of this  tragedy.”
Criminal investigation
The Judicial Police has the competence to “thoroughly investigate the causes of the fires, whenever there are suspicions of criminal origin, clarifying them without doubts and thus contributing to the public peace, which is carried out by the individualization of those responsible or the removal of suspicion of crime ‘.
The Minister of Justice also highlighted the regulation and installation of the National Unit to Combat Cybercrime and the configuration of the Single Point of Contact for international police cooperation, which ensured that “a decisive step was taken by Portugal in the framework of the common European strategy for combating cybercrime. serious and organized crime, with a particular focus on terrorism ‘.
Francisca Van Dunem added that the Judiciary Police is being targeted for technology, taking into account the “new challenges in prevention and repression that demand even more human resources training, investment in technologies and equipment”.
“It is time to unify an organic complex, functional and statutory fragmented and misfit,” he said.

An anonymous report on the morning of  19th October has led the Military Judiciary Police (PJM) to find in Chamusca weapons of war stolen from the Tancos military base, the Diário de Notícias reported.

Forty four weapons of war, grenades and explosives were intercepted. War material missing from military warehouses on June 28 has now been found scattered in the middle of the bush at Chamusca, 21 kilometers from the Tancos military base. Only the ammunition was not intercepted.

The Military Judicial Police (PJM) said in the communiqué that, in the context of investigations to combat trafficking and illicit trade in war material, “that this morning 19th October 2017 they had recovered in the Chamusca region, with the collaboration of the criminal investigation unit of the GNR of Loulé, war material stolen from the National Parks of Tancos “, quotes Lusa.

According to the PJM, “the recovered material is already in the Paiais de Santa Margarida, guarded by the Army, where the expert’s assessment is being carried out for further identification.”

The PJM recovered almost all the war material stolen in the Tancos warehouses, with the exception of 9mm ammunition, has been recovered, the source said. The same source said that the expert’s work for the detailed identification of the material is not yet completed, but it is already possible to confirm that the ammunition is still missing.

Among the stolen material the Army reported in June were offensive hand grenades, 9mm ammunition, rocket grenades, tear gas grenades and explosives. Ministry notes “relevance of the operation” of the PJM and says that it is necessary to wait,

The Ministry of National Defence today highlighted the “relevance of the operation” of the PJM, which recovered the stolen material in Tancos, stressing that it is necessary to await the completion of the investigation.

Contacted by Lusa, an official source of the Ministry of National Defence pointed out the “relevance of the operation” of the PJM that allowed the retrieval of stolen military material in the National Tanks of Tancos, stressing, however, the need to “wait for the conclusion of the investigation.” “As has always been said by the Minister of National Defence, it will be necessary to wait for the conclusion of the ongoing criminal investigation to know all the contours related to the theft of war material from the National Tanks of Tancos,” said the Cabinet of Minister Azeredo Lopes.

The case is “investigated in the context of an investigation conducted by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Central Department of Criminal Investigation and Action.” The process, he adds, is being led by the Public Prosecutor’s Office assisted by the National Counter-Terrorism Unit of the Judiciary Police and with the collaboration of the Military Judiciary Police. “This investigation does not have defendants constituted and is in the secret of justice,” he concludes.


The Judiciary Police (PJ) announced Wednesday 18th October the arrest, in collaboration with the PSP, of five suspects of kidnapping and robbing an elderly couple from Viana do Castelo. The culprits were hooded and armed with firearms.

Contacted by the agency Lusa, a source of PJ de Braga said that the case occurred around 03:00 Tuesday at the residence of the couple, and the woman is “bedridden” and her husband “had to receive hospital treatment.”

The same source said that the five members of the “violent group”, aged between 21 and 43 years were detained on Tuesday “during the afternoon / evening”, and are all residents of Viana do Castel. They appeared on 19th October at the judicial authorities for interrogation and are now under detention pending trial.

In a statement, PJ revealed that “the couple were surprised by the group of robbers, who were hooded and armed. They suffered physical attacks and were deprived of their liberty while robbing them of various objects, including gold, some of which had already been recovered.”

Source of the PSP District Command of Viana do Castelo said that the couple, “aged between 70 and 80, reside in Areosa.”


Prime Minister’s speech to the nation regarding the forest fires

Prime Minister António Costa said that “on the part of the Government they can count on a total determination in the assumption of responsibilities, in the reconstruction of the territories and in the repreparation of damages, in the execution of the reforms of the forest and of the model of prevention and combat to forest fires”, in a statement on the forest fires of 15 and 16 October .

However, “this has to be the collective and collective effort of the whole society. Only then will we live up to the requirement that we all share: after this year, nothing can remain as before, “he said.

Referring to the fact that in two days “the country has been plagued by the largest wave of fires since 2006”, the Prime Minister left “the Government’s commitment to put out the flames, the solidarity of this hour will continue at the time of reconstruction and repair damage ‘.

“This is a moment of mourning, to express to the families of the victims our condolences and to offer our solidarity to the people” who have tried to protect their lives and save homes, property and businesses.

This is also the “moment of giving recognition, gratitude and encouragement to all those who help the people and fight the flames whether they are volunteers or professional firefighters, foresters, nature or forest guards, soldiers of the GNR or the Armed Forces , health professionals or social action.

António Costa assured that “all available resources have been mobilized, including the Armed Forces” and that the mechanisms of international support, namely the European civil protection mechanism, have been activated, and the state of calamity has been activated.

The GNR and the PJ “has intensified the fight against crime associated with fires, having almost doubled the number of suspects identified last year for this year”.


Structural problem

The Prime Minister underlined the structural nature of forest fires, which is why we “launched the forest reform one year ago”, which “must be carried out with the utmost determination in order to ensure the structural reduction of the risk of fire, that we have a sustainable forest that contributes to the vitality of the rural world, which is not a factor of desertification and threatens the security of the people “.

“We are aware that the country demands results in a time trial after decades of forest disorganization,” but “we find in this national requirement increased motivation to collectively win this battle.”

‘The delay in producing results only makes the start of reform of the forest more urgent’, which ‘does not exhaust the consequences of this dramatic summer’.

The Government will therefore implement the conclusions and recommendations of the report of the independent technical commission appointed by the Assembly of the Republic, which analyzes in depth our entire system for the prevention and control of forest fires and hopes that the consensus that led to the constitution of this commission the decisions to be made.



Since October 14, the Armed Forces have been deployed in dealing with the forest fires, namely in support of combat, in fighting itself, in protecting and housing people, and in the aftermath and vigilance.
There are nine representatives of the Armed Forces at the command posts of the National Civil Protection Authority to coordinate.
The Army has 13 platoons in surveillance and aftermath actions, four platoons in evacuation actions, and 15 surveillance patrols (one in partnership with the Viana do Castelo City Council).
It also has four Engineering detachments with track machines, and the Viseu Infantry Regiment is housing and feeding 221 evacuees.
The Air Force had a C295 aircraft on a surveillance flight for almost five hours and provided support to receive two Italian Canadair aircraft at the Maceda aerodrome in Ovar.
It has also engaged a firefighting team from Monte Real Air Base, and an Engineering detachment with track machines.