For Tourists

There is little doubt that Portugal is a “safe destination” for tourists and it is something that we residents here are proud of.

Much work goes into keeping the country safe through the collective work of the police and other law enforcement agencies, civil government, supplemented by non-government agencies and private security. Safe Communities, Portugal, and others.

As you can imagine, this is a great place to stay. I would recommend this hotel to anyone. Also with an active night life in some popular restaurants and bars, it is important to take care not to “over indulge” in drinking which can lesson your guard – situations which can be exploited by criminals.

Like many tourist destinations, there is a need to be aware of the fake websites (usually based overseas) offering bogus holiday accommodation. A good way to check out suspicious websites is to visit as well as our Villa Letting – Fraudulent website page

The following pages have been translated from French to Portuguese. Please take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the advice provided.

There are currently 84 overseas Embassies and 176 Consulates in Portugal. Should you need help on your trip to Portugal, the Embassy / Consulate can be found here .

Attempting to travel on a cancelled passport

Cases have been brought to our attention recently where travellers, who have previously reported their passport missing or stolen in their own country, but subsequently found and used it to travel to Portugal, have had it seized by immigration upon arrival.

Once you have declared your travel document as lost or stolen to your national authorities, it is cancelled and considered invalid. The details of the document are passed on to INTERPOL and entered into their stolen or lost travel documents (SLTD) database.

Border officials in INTERPOL’s member countries can screen passenger information directly against the SLTD database.

If you try to travel with an invalid document, entry or boarding is denied. The travel document is seized to prevent its future use and you cannot travel.

If you have reported your passport lost or stolen, but subsequently find it you should report this to the issuing authority and apply for a new one. Do not attempt to travel with a document that you have reported as lost or stolen.


Going on holiday is an exciting time, experiencing new cultures, new environments and all the attractions different places have to offer. While relaxing you may let your guard down and may encounter difficulties that affect your holiday experience and enjoyment. To help you have a safe, secure and enjoyable time and avoid some of the pitfalls, please read the “Safe Holiday guide for tourists” produced in your own language by clicking the flag alongside this message. Have a great holiday! Download


Ir de férias é uma ocasião emocionante, em que se conhecem novas culturas, novos ambientes e todas as atrações que os diferentes locais têm para oferecer. Enquanto relaxa, poderá baixar a sua guarda e deparar-se com dificuldades que afetem a sua experiência de férias e tranquilidade. Para ajudá-lo a desfrutar de uma experiência segura e agradável e evitar algumas armadilhas, leia o “Guia das Férias Seguras para Turistas”, elaborado no seu próprio idioma, clicando na bandeira junto a esta mensagem. Boas férias. Download


Ir de vacaciones es un periodo de tiempo emocionante en el que conocemos culturas nuevas, nuevos lugares y todas las atracciones que ofrecen. En esos días de relax puedes bajar la guardia y tener problemas que estropeen tus vacaciones y la diversión. PAra ayudarte a tener unos días seguros y divertidos evitando algunos contratiempos, lee la "Guía de Vacaciones Seguras para Turistas" escrita en tu idioma haciendo click en la bandera junto a este texto. Disfruta de tus vacaciones! Download


Aller passer ses vacances à l’étranger est un moment passionnant, permettant de connaître d’autres cultures, de nouveaux environnements et de profiter des différentes attractions offertes. Ce moment de relaxation peut vous amener à être moins vigilant et engendrer des problèmes qui vont ternir ces vacances. Pour vous aider à passer ces vacances en toute sécurité et éviter quelques pièges, nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance de la « Fiche-conseils à l’attention des touristes pour des vacances en toute sécurité », rédigée dans votre langue, en cliquant sur l’icône à côté de ce message. Passez d’excellentes vacances ! Download


Op vakantie gaan is altijd weer een belevenis, die ons ruimte biedt nieuwe culturen te ontdekken en uiteenlopende bezienswaardigheden te bekijken. Hoe meer we ontspannen, hoe minder we wellicht op onze hoede zijn voor problemen die onze vakantie kunnen verstoren. Om u te helpen van een veilige en prettige vakantie te genieten en mogelijke valkuilen te vermijden, nodigen wij u uit de handleiding “Veilig op Vakantie” te lezen die hier, door te klikken op de juiste vlag, in uw eigen taal wordt aangeboden. Prettige vakantie! Download


Att göra en semesterresa är en spännande upplevelse. Upptäcka nya kulturer, nya miljöer och inte minst njuta av de olika upplevelser som olika platser har att erbjuda. När du kopplar av kanske du sänker din försiktighetsnivå såpass mycket att du kan stöta på problem och svårigheter, som kan påverka din semester negativt. För att hjälpa er att ha en säker, trygg och angenäm ferie och att undvika en del fallgropar, läsa gärna “The Safe Holiday Guide for tourists” dvs “En trygg reseguide för turister”, skriven på ert eget språk. Genom att klicka på flaggan längs med meddelandet väljer du ditt språk. Ha en Jätteskön Semester! Download


出外旅遊度假,體驗異地的文化、環境,令人興奮。但當你放鬆身心,享受假期時,亦可能放鬆了警惕,遇到困難,因而影響了度假體驗,感到掃興。為了安全穏妥地享受一個愉快的假期,避免遇到意想不到的困難,請點擊本信息旁邊的標誌,選擇語言,閱讀「遊客的安全度假指南」, 祝君假期愉快! Download


Поездка в отпуск это всгда волнующее событие - вы знакомитесь с новой культурой, новой средой, наслаждаетесь достопримечательностями. В то время как вы отдыхаете, ваша бдительность может ослабнуть и вы можете испытать трудности, которые невольно могут омрачить ваш отдых. Чтобы помочь вам провести ваш отпуск в безопасности и избежать некоторых ошибок, прочитайте, пожалуйста, «Гид для туристов по правилам безопасности на отдыхе», составленный на вашем языке, нажав на флаг около этого сообщения. Приятно провести отпуск! Download


Der Urlaub ist eine aufregende Zeit, in der man neue Kulturen, Gegenden und Sehenswürdigkeiten kennenlernt, die verschiedene Orte bieten. Während Sie sich entspannen, kann Ihre Wachsamkeit nachlassen und Sie können mit Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert werden, die Ihre Urlaubszeit und Entspannung belasten. Als Hilfestellung für sichere und angenehme Ferien und um übliche Fallen zu vermeiden, lesen Sie bitte den "Sicherheitsleitfaden für Touristen" in Ihrer Sprache, indem Sie auf die Flagge neben dieser Nachricht klicken. Wir wünschen Ihnen schöne Ferien! Download


Vacanţa este un prilej emoţionant de a cunoaşte culturi noi, dîndu-vă astfel posibilitatea de a avea parte de atracţiile pe care le au de oferit diversele locuri. În timp ce vă relaxaţi, atenţia dvs. se poate diminua, fapt care poate să vă pună în dificultate, afectîndu-vă liniştea şi experienţa plăcută de vacanţă. Pentru a vă ajuta să beneficiaţi de o experienţă plăcută şi sigură şi pentru a evita eventualele capcane, citiţi “Ghidul turistic al unei vacaţe sigure” elaborat în limba dvs. prin accesarea steagului national din dreptul acestui mesaj. Vă dorim vacanţă plăcută. Download