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If you wish to report a situation: Practice frequent physical or mental abuse, including corporal punishment cruelty, exerted on a minor, by those who have in their care, custody or responsibility for education; Or, under the direction of the labour employed in dangerous activities or excessive burden of work, particularly less than or helpless person, that had knowledge of or who is the victim.

Article No.152 – The Penal Code

Whoever, having under their care, their care under the responsibility of its management or education or working at your service, particularly defenceless person under or by reason of age, disability, illness or pregnancy, and:
a) Inflicts, so repeated or not, physical or mental abuse, including corporal punishment, deprivation of liberty and sexual offenses, or treated cruelly;

b) The use in hazardous activities, inhuman or prohibited, or

c) The excessive overloading with work,

shall be punished with imprisonment from 1 to 5 years if a more severe penalty is not applicable by virtue of other statutory provision. (…)c

Domestic Violence: Increase your security