Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 14th July 2021



Good morning, in the last few days there have been many figures regarding Covid-19 but probably the most important to put in perspective are the following. Portugal recorded, on Monday, 476 active outbreaks on the continent, of which 18 are in nursing homes and two in health institutions, according to data from the General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced yesterday.

Although this may seem high, these numbers contrast drastically with the maximum number of active outbreaks recorded in February 2021, when there were 921 active outbreaks in mainland Portugal. As you can see from our weekly comparison tables, that we publish on Mondays, the number of infections is also having some impact on the health service. Compared with the daily averages over three weeks, the numbers in ICU were up 57%, and in hospital they increased by 68%. Again to put this in context, at the beginning of February this year, those in hospital stood at near 7000, many times higher than at present.

There are various forecasts at the present from several experts, but there appears to be a consensus that the peak is likely to come in August before the situation improves.

With these increases, most taking place within the younger age group, one would think this would deter taking part in large gatherings. Yet a few days ago we saw reports of a gathering of a rave party with nearly 300 people and few days ago a similar party to the west of Albufeira with some 150 youngsters participating.  This maybe one of the reasons for the large new cases in the Algarve reach around 2000 in the last six days.

Turning to vaccinations, more than 42% of people already have full vaccination and 60% have taken at least one dose. This week 1,040,692 doses were administered, 231,000 more than the previous week – the highest since the start of the vaccination campaign against Covid-19.

Self-scheduling for those aged 23 years of age became available on Monday. The self- scheduling started with the 65 years of age, and over on 65s and over, on 23rd April and the process is the same.

People who have not received the second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine do not need to make an appointment for the second dose, they just need to go to the respective centre at the specific time for this type of vaccination. The time schedules can be downloaded here. https://covid19.min-saude.pt/antecipacao-das-2a-doses-de-astrazeneca/

We understand that there is some pressure at the vaccination centres in the Algarve, so please use the virtual traffic light system concerning queuing times.

Turning to the weather – well the temperatures did not reach the higher 40s forecast for last weekend, but it was still very hot, with temperatures around 39C and just over 40C recorded in some central and southern parts of the mainland. During this period we publish the Rural Fire Index which shows the rate by which fires can start and spread.

Compared with previous years, so far this year we have been fortunate in terms of the number of fires (around 300 in the last four days), given the weather conditions recently. This compares with over 330 a day during the worst periods of 2017. However it is important to remember that we are only at the start of the critical fire period that normally runs until 30th September. As the summer progresses, the vegetation becomes drier and in doing so it provides the fuel for fires to start and spread more easily. Some of the worst fires of 2017 were in October. The emergency services have responded very quickly to incidents, with most being brought to a conclusion within the initial attack phase of 90 minutes. However, one yesterday in the Algarve yesterday burned for some 3 hours even with the deployment of 4 aircraft/helicopters.

Much of the quick responses is due to the prepositioning of some fire vehicles e.g. at locations where the risk is extremely high, not necessarily at the fire station which maybe some distance from the areas concerned. Another area where we have been fortunate, is that we have not had significant multiple fires at the same time in the same region. When these occour in areas where access is difficult, more response is required, and any delay in bring the fire under control leads to fires spreading, the circumference of the fire becoming larger, burning with greater intensity. This then becomes far more difficult, with more firefighters becoming deployed with the risk of the fire becoming out of control – as in the case of the Monchique fire in 2018 which burned for 8 days!

This is why, as soon as you see signs of a fire call 112 immediately – every second counts

With that, please have a Safe Day.


The good news was from yesterday that both the number of active cases and the total in ICU decreased. The report published by DGS on Tuesday showed the following:

Confirmed Cases: 912.406 (+ 2650 / + 0.29 %)

Number of admitted: 742 (+ 13 / + 1.78 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 161 (-2 /-1.23 %)

Deaths: 17.173 (+ 9 / + 0.05 %)

Recovered: 850.034 (+ 3490 / + 0.41 %)

Active cases: 45,199 (+849/ -1.8%)

Safe Communities comparisons/trends show that deaths were double last week’s daily average (4); new daily cases were below the 3,000 mark seen last week; 43% of these were in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo a lower percentage than average of last week. In hospital, there was an increase but lower than last few days. Highest total since 23rd March 2021. In ICU there was a decrease, the first decrease for some days, and active cases also decreased.


Covid-19 Incidence rate amongst young people increased five times in the last month.

Cases of new SARS-CoV-2 infections have increased in all age groups, however, less accentuated increases have been recorded in older groups as a result of vaccination, while the incidence in the 20 to 29 age group has shown a sharp ascent.

The cumulative incidence is increasing in all age groups, however, it is among the youngest that the incidence has been more pronounced. In the last month, the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days increased six times in the age group from 0 to 9 years old and more than five times in the age group from 20 to 29.

This increase in cases, however, verifies the impact of vaccination on the increase in cases, since the increase in the number of cases has been less accentuated among the elderly. To Público, the mathematician Carlos Antunes, from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, stated that it is possible to verify a “gradual mitigation” of infections “in the higher aged groups”.

In the range from 0 to 9 years, the incidence increased from 59.15 cases at 14 days to 366.62. However, in the age group from 20 to 29 years, the increase in incidence rose from 142.43 cases per 100,000 young adults to 766.34, representing an increase of 439%.

Carlos Antunes explains to the publication that this increase has been similar in all regions of the country, highlighting, however, the “slower rate of increase and a much lower incidence rate” in Portuguese aged 50 or over, which he points out as a result of the advance in vaccination. “The groups that have the least vaccination coverage, under 50 years old, continue to be those with the highest rates of higher incidence and rate of increase. And all regions have the same pattern”, he says, adding that Lisboa and Vale do Tejo is beginning to see “a slowdown in almost all bands”, a trend that is seen mainly in the 50-59 group.

Mainland Portugal with 476 active outbreaks.

Portugal recorded, on Monday, 476 active outbreaks on the continent, of which 18 are in nursing homes and two in health institutions, according to data from the General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced this Tuesday.

According to the DGS this data contrasts drastically with the maximum number of active outbreaks recorded in February 2021, when there were 921 active outbreaks in mainland Portugal.

The majority of active outbreaks were registered in the Lisbon and Vele do Tajo Region, with 350, while the North Region had 46, Algarve 31, Alentejo 24 and Centro region 25.

According to data from the DGS, 84 active outbreaks were related to education and teaching establishments in the public and private sectors, which include schools, higher education, day care centers and other social facilities.

An active outbreak consists of two or more confirmed cases with an epidemiological link to each other in time and space, explains the DGS , adding that “only after 28 days have elapsed after the date of diagnosis of the last confirmed case (two incubation periods no new cases) is that the outbreak is considered closed”

Covid-19. More than six thousand daily cases expected in early August.

The peak of the new wave should be reached in the second half of August, forecasts the Covid-19 Insights platform

New cases of infection by Covid-19 are expected to exceed 6000 daily in the first week of August. The forecast is made by the “Covid-19 Insights” platform, which brings together specialists from Nova Information Management School and COTEC Portugal. The same platform estimates, according to “Jornal de Notícias”, that the peak of the new wave should occur after the second half of August.

“I don’t think these are scary numbers. Even six thousand cases today are not as serious as they were from January to March, because they translated into hospitalizations and deaths”, said the co-ordinator of the platform, Pedro Simões Coelho. The platform predicts that, on the same date, there will be 1101 hospitalizations – 213 in intensive care.

The red line monitoring report defines as a “critical threshold” the occupation of “245 beds in intensive care”. The latest DGS report registered 163 patients in the ICU.

Covid-19: Hospital Santa Maria in Lisbon registers 94% occupancy and foresees increased response.

Lisbon, 12 Jul 2021 (Lusa) – The Hospital de Santa Maria, in Lisbon, registers today 39 Covid-19 patients admitted to the ward and 18 to the intensive care unit (ICU), occupying 94% of the limit of available beds, the broadening of the “short term” response is foreseen.

A source from the University Hospital Centre Lisbon North (CHLN), which integrates the Hospital Santa Maria, said that the contingency plan for the response to Covid-19 patients, as of today, has 42 beds available in the infirmary and 19 in the ICU.

With readiness and capacity to anticipate the needs registered during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Hospital de Santa Maria has “in progress the expansion of its response, in the short term, in the ward and in the ICU”, pointing out as “very likely” that the reinforcement happens already during this week.

Speaking to Lusa agency, a CHLN source said that the opening of another ward, with 21 beds, is planned, which will join the two wards already available (each with the capacity to accommodate 21 patients), increasing to 63 the total number of beds.

Regarding the response to Covid-19 patients in the ICU, the capacity building will be “according to needs”.

As of today, Santa Maria Hospital has 39 Covid-19 patients admitted to the ward, which represents 92.8% of the available capacity, and 18 in the ICU, which corresponds to 94.7% of the occupancy limit, according to CHLN data, noting that “there are variations in the level of occupation throughout the day”, including due to medical discharges.

Regarding the age of hospitalised Covid-19 patients, the CHLN stated that “the average is 55 years old”, specifying that in the ward the average is 59 years old and in the ICU it is 50 years old, according to data recorded last week.

Covid-19: Guard Council asks emigrants to comply with recommendations and “don’t make it easy”.

Guarda, July 13, 2020 (Lusa) – The Mayor of Guarda appealed today to emigrants, who this summer are on vacation in the county, to comply with “the basic rules” recommended by the authorities and “do not make it easy”, to avoid possible contagion from Covid-19.

“There has to be immense rigour in what are the behaviours, defence and protection attitudes of themselves [emigrants] and the community where they are inserted, from the outset, complying with the basic rules of the national Health authority, with commitment and with this obligation, which today we all assume as natural, as a situation that is necessary to defend our health”, said Carlos Chaves Monteiro to Lusa agency.

The mayor appeals to emigrants who are already in the territory and to those who will soon come to visit their families, to comply with the recommendations in force.

The municipality of Guarda will inform them “to commit to this code of conduct, to this way of being, which is to sanitize, protect with gloves and masks, with everything that is already part” of the current experience and appeals “don’t make it easy”.

“Because, in fact, we cannot yet put out the victory cry, because the virus is more resistant, less vulnerable, more multi-adaptable than what we imagined. And, therefore, we have to give science time so that it can defend us more fully and totally and, for that, we need, until then, everyone’s contribution”, he declared.

Carlos Chaves Monteiro recognizes that the presence of emigrants in the territory, traditionally with greater expression in the month of August, will help to boost the local economy.

Covid-19: Alentejo with occupancy rates of 32.6% in infirmary and 28.6% in ICU.

Évora, July 12, 2021 (Lusa) – Hospitals in Alentejo recorded, on Sunday, a total occupancy rate by patients with Covid-19 of 32.6% in the infirmary and 28.6% in intensive care units, revealed today source of the Regional Health Administration (ARS).

“In hospitals in the Alentejo region, on 11 July, there was an occupancy rate in wards of 32.6% and in intensive care units of 28.6%”, indicated the source of the ARS do Alentejo, in written response sent to Lusa agency.

According to the same source, on Sunday, in all hospitals in the region, 15 patients were hospitalized with Covid-19 in the ward and another six in intensive care units.

“The current capacity of beds dedicated to Covid-19 is 46 in the ward and 21 in intensive care units”, he stressed.

The source of the ARS of Alentejo pointed out that “the response capacity will always be adjusted and the necessary measures taken” according to the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

The data refer to the Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora (HESE) and the hospitals of the local health units (ULS) in the coast of Alentejo, North Alentejo and Baixo Alentejo.

AHRESP proposes plan with 10 measures to compensate accommodation and restaurant.

AHRESP sent the Government a plan to compensate tourist accommodation and the restoration of the effects of the pandemic with 10 measures, such as the reinforcement of the Apoiar program, a new simplified lay-off and credit and tax moratoria.

Entitled “Face the pandemic, ensure survival”, the plan is presented by the Association of Hotels, Catering and Similar Services of Portugal (AHRESP) as a “last attempt to save the most affected sectors” by the pandemic crisis.

The plan, released today, provides for 10 measures, advocating right away the replacement of the recently launched IVAucher program by the attribution of a “direct 50% discount”, applied directly at the time of consumption and with no limit on use.

This solution, argues AHRESP, would make it possible to overcome the fact that IVAucher does not have direct and universal access, “which could limit its scope”.

In line with the Government’s recent decision to allow restaurants to serve meals beyond 3:30 pm in high and very high risk municipalities, provided that customers do have a negative test for Covid-19 or present a digital certificate, this association advocates that tests and certificates be used to advance to a new level; that is, to allow tourist accommodation, restaurants and the like to no longer have time or capacity restrictions and for nightlife establishments to reopen.

Among the measures of the plan addressed to the Government, there is also a new stage of candidacies for the Apoiar program, providing support between 5,000 and 7,500 euros for self-employed entrepreneurs (ENI) without employees, with billing losses of between 15% and 50% or above 50%, respectively or between 12,500 and 18,750 euros for ENI in dependent workers, for the levels of invoicing breaks referred to.

Portugal sends Covid-19 vaccines to Guinea-Bissau.

On July 12, Portugal sends a first batch of 24,000 vaccines against Covid-19 to Guinea-Bissau to support the Guinean health authorities in implementing their national vaccination plan against this disease. Vaccines will be accompanied by the material necessary to enable their administration, including, in particular, syringes and needles.

This donation is part of the fulfilment of the political commitment assumed by the Portuguese Government to make available at least 5% of its batches of vaccines to Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor, and is part of the second phase of the Action Plan in the health response to Covid-19 pandemic between Portugal and Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor.

In this sense, the shipment of this batch of vaccines to Guinea Bissau follows others that have recently been sent to Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe. Also during this month of July, new batches will be sent to Angola and East Timor.

This action is the result of the joint effort of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language and the Embassy of Portugal in Bissau, and the Ministry of Health, through the General Directorate of Health, of the National Medicines Authority and Health Products (Infarmed) and the Task Force of the National Vaccination Plan against Covid-19 in Portugal.

Region Reports

Madeira Situation Report Wednesday 14th July 2021 – by our special correspondent, Daniel Fernandes

There were 56 new Covid-19 cases, 39 recoveries and no deaths from Covid-19 in Madeira since the previous Madeira Situation Report.

On Saturday, there were 14 new Covid-19 cases (from 3 passengers who had arrived from the UK, 2 passengers who had arrived from Spain and 9 cases of local transmission) and 13 recoveries. There were 2 patients in hospital, 1 of whom was in intensive care.

On Sunday, there were 8 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from Botswana, 1 passenger who had arrived from Spain and 6 cases of local transmission) and 8 recoveries. There were 2 patients at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, 1 of whom was in intensive care.

On Monday, there were 16 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from the Netherlands, 1 passenger who had arrived from the UK, 6 passengers who had arrived from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region, 1 passenger who had arrived from Northern Portugal and 7 cases of local transmission) and 7 recoveries. Once again, there were 2 patients at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, 1 of whom was in intensive care.

And on Tuesday, there were 18 new Covid-19 cases (from 2 passengers who had arrived from the UK, 9 passenger who had arrived from Northern Portugal, 1 passenger who had arrived from Southern Portugal, 1 passenger who had arrived from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region and 5 cases of local transmission) and 11 recoveries. The number of patients at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça increased to 5, 2 of whom were in intensive care.

There were 120 active cases on Tuesday, of which 48 had been imported while the other 72 cases had been a result of local transmission. As of Tuesday, there had been 9,804 cases, 9,611 recoveries and 73 deaths.

On Tuesday, there were 30 patients in isolation in a dedicated hotel, 85 patients in isolation in their own accommodation and 5 patients in hospital, 2 of whom in intensive care.

On the same day, there were 64 suspected cases under epidemiological investigation and analysis, which were all linked to patients who tested positive for Covid-19, to calls made to the SRS24 helpline, to referrals by SESARAM (Madeira Regional Health Service) and to airport screening.

There were 30,520 travellers under monitoring by the health authorities. Monitoring is being carried out through the ‘MadeiraSafe’ app. There were also 446 people, who had contact with positive cases, being monitored by the health authorities of several Madeira municipalities and of Porto Santo.

As for Covid-19 testing on passengers who had arrived at Funchal and Porto Santo airports, 257,193 samples had been collected until Tuesday (at 15h30). By Tuesday, 515,421 samples from RT-PCR tests had been processed and 73,420 antigen rapid tests had been carried out in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

The SRS 24 helpline (Regional Health Service – 800 24 24 20) received 461 calls from Friday to Tuesday. Overall, it had received 55,725 calls.

The Covid-19 mental health helpline (Linha de Acompanhamento Psicológico da Direção Regional de Saúde – 291 212 399 – available every day from 09h00 to 21h00), which was set up to provide emotional and mental support to anyone in Madeira received 11 calls from Friday to Tuesday . Overall, it has received 3,736 calls.





Covid-19 vaccination update

As of July 11th, 251,573 Covid-19 vaccine doses (143,625 1st doses & 107,948 2nd doses/full vaccinations) have been administered in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. This means that 57% of the population have been administered the 1st vaccine dose, while 43% of the population have been fully vaccinated. The Covid-19 vaccination campaign started on December 31st.

In the week ending on July 11st, 19,319 Covid-19 vaccine doses were administered (12,436 1st doses & 6,883 2nd doses/full vaccinations). A highlight from the week was the fact that over 60% of the population of the municipalities of Calheta and Santana have been inoculated with the 1st vaccine dose. Over 70% of the population of the Municipalities of Porto Santo and Porto Moniz have already been inoculated with the 1st vaccine dose.

The aim for this week is to continue the Covid-19 vaccination campaign. The highlight is the start of vaccination for university students, which started on Monday at Centro de Vacinação do Funchal (Funchal Vaccination Centre), located in Madeira Tecnopolo. Pedro Calado (Vice-President of the Madeira Regional Government), Pedro Ramos (Madeira’s Health and Civil Protection Secretary) and Jorge Carvalho (Madeira’s Education Secretary) visited the vaccination centre, where they witnessed the start of vaccination of university students. Pedro Ramos revealed that 600 students had already been inoculated and that around 1,600 students had registered for vaccination. There are around 3,000 university students in Madeira, 5,000 Madeiran students studying in the mainland and over 1,000 Madeiran students studying abroad. He appealed for students to take up this opportunity to be vaccinated against Covid-19, and said the aim is for vaccination of university students to be complete by the end of the summer, before the start of the new academic year.




Clinic and pharmacy provide antigen rapid tests in Porto Santo

Clínica Arriaga (Clinic), in partnership with Farmácia da Ponta do Pargo (Pharmacy) have been carrying out antigen rapid tests on the car park at Restaurante Pé (Restaurant). According to the clinic, Porto Santo Line and Winter passengers can use a QR Code in order to fill in an online form that will enable the booking of a rapid test.

Passengers traveling between Madeira and Porto Santo islands must present a negative Covid-19 test, which had been carried out up to 48 hours before traveling, on each leg of the journey. This scheme makes it easier for passengers to be tested and helps them spend more time enjoying their holidays.

Both residents and visitors can be tested daily, between 09h30 and 18h30 and without booking. The venue is easily accessible, has free parking and people can await for the test results (15-30 minutes) on the terrace from which the beach can be seen.

According to the clinic, the antigen rapid test has a success-rate of 98%. This testing scheme will be in place until the end of September, which is when Madeirans and foreign tourists most travel to Porto Santo.


Search for missing Polish tourist suspended and PSP took over the investigation

The search for Michael Kopek, a Polish tourist who had gone missing while running on a trail was suspended on Saturday. Over 30 from several fire brigades, the Forest Police (Corpo de Polícia Florestal), the PSP police force (Polícia de Segurança Pública), the GNR police force (Guarda Nacional Republicana), the Regional Civil Protection Service (Serviço Regional de Protecção Civil), 5 rescue dogs, 2 drones and a multi-mission helicopter were deployed during the search.

The PSP police force have taken over the investigation into the disappearance of Michal Kozek, aged 35, who was on holiday with his family.

The emergency services had been informed on Thursday morning that the Polish citizen had left Porto Moniz at the end of Wednesday afternoon for a trail training session and had failed to return to his hotel.

His family has released a photograph of him and his brother flew into Madeira in order to search for him. He and several volunteers are continuing to search for Michal in several trails.

His relatives and friends have appealed for volunteers who own drones to join the search. They are even willing to pay them.

It is thought Michal was wearing a blue jersey, black shorts, purple Salomon running shoes and a Garmin Forerunner 945 running watch. Michal was on the trail between Porto Moniz and Calheta (through Pico da Urze). The route he took can be seen on the Strava app.

Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 14th July 2021

Covid-19: 60% of people in the Algarve have already received a dose of the vaccine, 40% have a complete process.

60% of the population of the Algarve has already received at least one dose of a vaccine against Covid-19, while 40% has finished the process, according to the bulletin of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) this Tuesday, 13 of July.

Last week, the region broke a new record, administering 50,763 doses, a number never before reached. Compared to the last report, the region has 5% more residents on one dose and 7% on both.

In total, since December, 413,045 vaccines have been given in the Algarve.

Covid-19: Delta variant responsible for 100% of infections in the Algarve.

The Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to be dominant in all regions of the country, being already responsible for all cases of infections in Lisbon and Vale do Tajo and in the Algarve.

According to the report by the National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) released today, this variant, associated with India and considered more transmissible, has a prevalence of 86.6% in Portugal, while Alpha, and initially identified in the United Kingdom, only it was responsible for 10.2% of infections in the week of June 28th to July 4th.

The INSA further states that the Delta variant already has a prevalence of 100% in the Lisbon and Vale do Tajo and Algarve regions, 88.2 in the North, 81.8 in the Center, 95% in Alentejo, 62.5 % in the Azores and 79.2% in Madeira.

“Among other variants of interest in circulation in Portugal, the variant/lineage B.1.621 stands out, initially detected in Colombia, which has shown a relative frequency of around 1% in recent weeks”, says the study on diversity genetics of the new coronavirus in Portugal.

According to the document, this “variant of interest” has several mutations in the `spike’ protein that are shared with some “variants of concern”.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the virus variants as “concern” (VOC) or “interested” (VOI), having assigned, at the end of May, the designation of letters of the Greek alphabet to facilitate understanding.

They came from Belgium just to clean up the Ria Formosa.

Despite all the constraints on the movement of people, resulting from the restriction measures imposed by the governments due to the health crisis caused by Covid-19, the Association for the Study and Conservation of the Oceans (AECO) once again received scouts from various regions of the country this year, including Belgium, to participate in their “traditional” awareness and clean-up campaigns in the Ria Formosa.

The association based on the University of Algarve’s Campus de Gambelas, informed that this year, the teams concentrated their efforts on Faro beach and managed to cover about 5 km outside the urbanized area, removing plastics and other non-biodegradable materials, such as masks, personal protection and single-use metal packaging.

“Nature conservation cannot wait” stressed Ricardo Barradas member of the AECO. After a year of stoppage, continuing “the support of the Municipality of Faro and Algar was essential for us to return to the field. Realizing that there is more and more to be done, it seems that instead of reducing we are producing more and more waste”.

In addition to garbage collection, the young people collaborated in activities to refurbish public facilities, painting rusty railings and gates or removing weeds from the soccer field on the beach.

Covid-19: Hospitals in the Algarve have 50% capacity for patients.

Hospitals in the Algarve have 60 patients in Covid-19 wards, 13 of which are in intensive care, which represents about 50% of the capacity of phase 2 of the contingency plan, said today a source at the Hospital Center.

“Right now, we have 50% of our total intensive care capacity destined for covid patients, which does not affect other services, with hospitals in normal operation,” said one of the members of the board of directors of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA), Paulo Neves.

According to the official, the 50% refers to the capacity of beds foreseen for phase 2 of the contingency plan, with the Algarve hospitals “still having room to increase this capacity, if necessary.”

“We have a contingency plan that can be adjusted and increased according to needs, but we have the perspective of not having a substantial increase in the number of cases of the disease”, he indicated.

According to Paulo Neves, the perspective “has to do with the number of cases registered on average in the last four days, given that, in that period, there was no significant variation in the number of admissions in hospitals in the Algarve”.

“Our forecast is that the trend that has been seen since the beginning of the month of people needing hospitalization will continue, although we are prepared to respond to a possible increase in severe cases of the disease”, he stressed.

In the official’s opinion, “vaccination coverage is playing an important role in the number of serious cases and deaths” related to the disease in the Algarve, exemplifying with the low number, four, of patients hospitalized in intensive care needing assisted ventilation”.

Azores Situation Report Wednesday 14th July 2021 – by our colleague in the Azores

Group Immunity.

Pedro Monjardino, reiterated the intention put forward, on Thursday, by the regional secretary for Health and Sports, saying that the objective of group immunity in the region “will be reached between July 31st and August 15th” (with a delay of 15 days in relation to the initial target).

“Right now, we’re more focused on the island of São Miguel and Terceira, but more on the island of São Miguel and, if we have a delay of 15 days, it’s not disappointing for us. Our goal is to make the island of São Miguel, as quickly as possible, to reach 70% immunization”, said the regional co-ordinator.

This was said on the eve of the end of “Operation Periphery”, which, with the support of the ‘task-force’ and a military team provided by the Ministry of National Defence, vaccinated 70% of the population of the islands without a hospital, except do Corvo, which was the first island to achieve group immunity, in March.

About this process, which ends on Sunday, at the vaccination centre of São Roque do Pico, he added that, “at this moment, with the exception of the island of Flores, the percentage of immunization that [will] be achieved will be higher than 70%”.

Thus, the islands of Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge and Pico, which join the island of Corvo, reach this goal.

The island of Flores will have an inoculation rate of around 63%, said the official, due to “cases of refusals and absences”.

“But the island of Flores has always been characterized, in the past, for having higher rates of refusals than in other islands”, he continued.

Pedro Monjardino down-played the issue and insisted again on the priority of this team: “The refusal rates, at this moment, do not worry me. What worries me is our priority and our priority is to immunize 70% of the population of the island of São Miguel right now”.

A booster of 25 thousand doses of vaccines against Covid-19 will arrive in the region for the month of July.

This 25,000 shot booster joins the 7,000 Janssen shots that arrived on June 30th, as well as the 40,950 shots from Pfizer and 4,000 shots from Janssen this month.

“We also know that, right on August 2nd, 40,950 [doses] arrive, which means that, with those that are already here, and with those that will arrive in the near future, we are talking about, in a space of one month, we can, in fact, reach the number of vaccines necessary for this immunization”, stressed the government official.

On the islands of São Miguel and Terceira, age groups between 40 and 50 are currently being vaccinated, and anyone over 50 years old and has not been invited should contact their health centre.

10th July 2021 

49 new Covid-19 positive cases were diagnosed in the Azores, 46 in São Miguel, two in Terceira, and one in Flores, resulting from 2,107 tests carried out in reference laboratories in the Region.

In São Miguel, three new cases refer to travellers, non-residents, with positive tests on the 6th day screening: one in Maia and another in Rabo de Peixe, in the municipality of Ribeira Grande, and one in Algarvia, in the county of the Northeast. All other registered cases are due to community transmission.

Thus, in the municipality of Lagoa there were 15 new cases (eight in Rosário, four in Água de Pau, two in Santa Cruz and one in Cabouco). In the municipality of Ponta Delgada 22 new cases were registered (six in Arrifes, three in Pilar da Brittany, two in São Sebastião, two in Fajã de Cima, two in Relva, two in Livramento, two in Capelas, one in São Roque, one in Mosteiros and one in Fenais da Luz).

In the municipality of Ribeira Grande there were six new cases (two in Matriz, one in Rabo de Peixe, one in Conceição, one in Santa Bárbara and one in Maia). In the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo there was a new case in São Miguel, and in the Northeast there were two cases in the parish of Algarvia.

In Terceira, there were two new cases in the municipality of Angra do Heroísmo, parish of São Pedro, of two non-resident travellers, with positive tests on the 6th day screening.

In Flores, there was a new case in the municipality of Lajes, parish of Fajã Grande, of a traveller who revealed a positive analysis during the screening on the 6th day.

24 recoveries were recorded.

11th July 2021 

30 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, 28 in São Miguel and two in São Jorge resulting from 1,884 tests carried out in reference laboratories in the Region and one in a non-conventional laboratory.

In São Miguel, seven new cases refer to travellers, five non-residents, in the parish of Santa Cruz, municipality of Lagoa, and one non-resident, in the parish of São Pedro, municipality of Ponta Delgada. In the parish of Santa Clara, municipality of Ponta Delgada, a non-resident traveller obtained a positive result on arrival.

All other registered cases are due to community transmission.

Thus, in the municipality of Lagoa there were 12 new cases (10 in Santa Cruz, one in Rosário and one in Ribeira Chã). In the municipality of Ponta Delgada, nine new cases were registered (two in Arrifes, two in São Pedro, two in Livramento, one in São José, one in São Roque and one in Santa Clara). In the municipality of Ribeira Grande there were five new cases (two in Rabo de Peixe, one in Matriz, one in Conceição, one in Maia). In the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo there were two new cases in São Miguel.

In São Jorge there were two new cases, one in the municipality of Velas, parish of Norte Grande and one in the municipality of Calheta, parish of Ribeira Seca.

28 recoveries were recorded.

12th July 2021 

42 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, with 40 on the island of São Miguel, one on the island of Terceira and one on the island of Pico, following 1,003 tests carried out in the reference laboratories of the Region.

On the island of São Miguel, one of the new cases concerns a traveller, non-resident, in the parish of the Fajã de Baixo, municipality of Ponta Delgada, who tested positive upon arrival. The other cases are related to community transmission.

Thus, there were 23 new cases in the municipality of Lagoa (12 in Santa Cruz, six in Cabouco, two in Rosário, two in Água de Pau and one in Ribeira Chã). In the municipality of Ponta Delgada, 11 new cases were registered (two in Arrifes, two in Livramento, two in Fajã de Baixo, two in Capelas, one in São José, one in Covoada and one in Mosteiros). There were four new cases in the municipality of Ribeira Grande (three in Rabo de Peixe and one in Matriz). In the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo there were two new cases (one in the Água de Alto and one in São Miguel).

On the island of Terceira, there was a new case in Cabo da Praia of a non-resident traveller, who tested positive on the 6th day.

On the island of Pico, there was another case in Bandeiras, municipality of Madalena, related to the chain identified previously.

No recoveries were registered.

13th July 2021 

11 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, five on the island of São Miguel, two on the island of Flores, one on the island of Terceira, one on the island of Pico, one on the island of São Jorge and one on the island of Faial, following 1,847 tests carried out in the reference laboratories of the Region.

On the island of São Miguel, all cases were related to community transmission. Thus, in the municipality of Lagoa there were three new cases, in the parish of Cabouco; in the municipality of Ponta Delgada, a new case was registered in the parish of Capelas and in the municipality of Ribeira Grande, there was a new case in Ribeira Seca.

A positive case identified in yesterday’s communiqué in the parish of Fajã de Baixo, municipality of Ponta Delgada, submitted documentation demonstrating a previous infection and its recovery, thus is not considered an active case in the Azores.

On the island of Terceira, there is a new case in Lajes, municipality of Praia da Vitoria, of a traveller, resident, who tested positive upon arrival. Also, it was verified that a positive case, a non-resident citizen who was in the parish of Cabo da Praia, municipality of Praia da Vitoria, left the archipelago and is no longer considered an active case in the Azores.

On the island of Pico, there is one case in Vila da Madalena, on the same municipality, concerning a traveller, non-resident, who tested positive on the 6th day.

On the island of Flores, two cases were diagnosed in Fajã Grande, municipality of Lajes das Flores. One of these cases, an inter-island traveller from São Miguel, originated a new primary local transmission chain.

On the island of São Jorge, there is a new positive case in Vila das Velas, a non-resident traveller, who tested positive on the 6th day, originating a new primary local transmission chain.

On the island of Faial, a new case was registered in the parish of Angústias, municipality of Horta, of a traveller, resident, who tested positive on the 6th day.

In the last 24 hours, 34 recoveries have been registered and as of today 12 patients are hospitalised, 11 at the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital in Ponta Delgada (one in intensive care unit) and one in the Santo Espírito Hospital of Terceira Island.

The archipelago currently has 381 active positive cases: 343 on the island of São Miguel, 18 on the island of Terceira, eight on the island of Pico, five on the island of São Jorge, five on the island of Flores and two on the island of Faial. Six primary local transmission chains are active in the archipelago, two on the island of Pico, two on the island of Terceira, one on the island of Flores and one on the island of São Jorge. To date, 205 have been extinguished on all islands. There are 1,776 people under active surveillance today.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 6,763 positive cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed in the Azores and 6,204 people recovered from the disease.

There were 34 deaths, 84 people who left the archipelago and 60 cases with history of previous cure. To date, 600,206 tests have been carried out for SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19 disease.

From 31st December 2020 to July 8th, 250,705 doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered in the Azores, with 129.190 people who received the first dose (53.21 % of the population) and 121,515 people with complete vaccination (50.05 %), under the Regional Vaccination Plan.
