
Campaign “Give a face to those who cannot” Alert to domestic violence.

Altice Portugal and Meo, have joined APAV, PSP and the GNR to combat the increase in domestic violence in times of social isolation.

At a time when the Portuguese are going through an unparalleled period, where isolation at home is decreed to contain the pandemic, and although the quarantine strategy has been the most effective action in combatting the virus, it has become even more of a threat to the victims of domestic violence.

Being fully aware of this escalating situation, Altice Portugal and MEO in partnership with Portuguese victim Support Association (APAV), the GNR and PSP have come together to fight against this problem which has worsened during these times of isolation, through an awareness campaign encouraging greater civic action.

Under the motto “give a face to those who cannot”, they are calling on family members, friends, neighbours or anyone within the circle of the victim to “not remain silent in this time of crises and to give a voice to those who cannot do it for themselves”.

“Humanize yourself” again emerges as a guiding theme of this campaign which aims to appeal to the greater proximity and values that must be assumed by society.

Executive President of Altice Portugal, Alexandre Fonseca states “this is a topic that concerns everyone and of which no one can remain indifferent”

They are challenging society to break all barriers of silence, calling for them to unite in favour of a cause that belongs to everyone.

Awareness Action

I’M HERE! CHILDREN 2020 Program

The I’M HERE! Children (EA), is a PSP initiative that was launched in 2012.

In partnership with Altice Portugal, through MEO and the Altice foundation, General Sectorial of the Ministry of Internal Administration, Commercial radio, Missing Children Europe and the Child Support Institute, more than 375 000 bracelets have been distributed and activated to children between the ages of 2 to years of age.

Each bracelet has a unique alphanumeric code which allows anyone who finds a lost child to send the code via 112. This call will be forwarded to the PSP that have the data associated to the specific bracelet, allowing them to contact the relevant parents or guardians to then orchestrate the reunion.

I’M HERE! Children covered more than 77 000 children in 2019, registering 8 activations, which resulted in reunions with the child’s family or guardians.

Usually registrations for the new annual edition of the program begins in May, but in view of the current health crises now, the validity of the bracelets of the 2019 edition, that would normally only be active until the 31st May, has been extended to 15 July 2020.

They hope to begin the I’M HERE! Children 2020 edition as soon as possible. More details and how to order here here 


PSP Lisbon:  Saved a baby left in the rain, mother was inebriated.

A 41-year-old woman was arrested by the PSP in Lisbon on the 11th May 2020, suspected of a crime against the person, after being found in the rain, with a baby that was naked and only wrapped in a blanket.

The suspect was under the influence of alcohol and in the rain for an hour with the 2-month-old infant, that was soaking wet and crying compulsively, indicating that it was freezing cold and hungry.
“This conduct clearly put the life and physical wellbeing of the infant in danger”, quoted from the statement issues by the PSP.

When the mother was confronted by the officers and recommended to return home, the mother in her drunken state showed no understanding of putting the infant in danger and therefore denied that she had endangered the infant’s life.

When an attempt to examine the infant was made, the mother became aggressive and proceeded to almost drop the infant to the floor.

In view of her conduct, the woman was arrested, and the infant was admitted to hospital and remains under observation and is out of danger.

The infant has been removed from the mother, who also received medical attention, but was discharged. She is now awaiting measures to be stated by the judicial authorities


Bank Scams on the rise

During the time of crises there has been a shift in crime trends.

Between the 22nd March 2020 and the 2nd May 2020, the PSP have recorded 135 more cases of fraud as opposed to a decrease of 43% decrease in violent and serious cases, compared to the same period in 2019.

General crime in Portugal decreased by 47% (less 9084 cases) and 43% for violent and serious crimes (minus 442 cases) during the above mentioned period, compared to the same period in 2019, according to the data  released by the PSP of the crime in context during the state of emergency.

However, the PSP reported an increase of 136% in fraud, with bank fraud, during this period (plus 135 cases), as well as having recorded an increase of 33% in computer and communications fraud (plus 210 cases).

During this week the PSP have issued a warning to the population via social media, advising about an increase in scams through the MB Way application.

There is also an increase of 25% in the number of thefts adjacent to residences (plus 42 cases), compared to the same period in 2019.

Theft and robbery have the greatest decrease in number of cases over this period, with thefts down 50% (less 3084 cases), with the largest drop of 94% (less 1019 cases) of pickpocket crimes.

There was also a drop of 55% (less 887 cases) in motor theft occurrences.

Regarding theft cases, the PSP received a decrease in 53% (less 439 cases), than in the same period as 2019. In this crime typology, theft at fuelling stations saw the greatest reduction in cases, less 88% (less 7 cases).


Braga – Rescued dog – GNR searching for owners

A medium sized dog was rescued on Sunday, from a well in the Braga area. The reasons for the dog being in the well are unknown at this point.

The GNR spokesperson stated that the rescue took place after an alert to the Environmental Protection Service (SEPNA) of the GNR in Braga was made, and the officers were sent to the location.

In conjunction with a specialized rescue team from the Bombeiros of Braga, they were able to remove the dog from the well that was located on a piece of agricultural land in Cunha.

The dog was found to be chipped but due to a technical reason the owners’ information was unable to be accessed.

The officers however were able to find a family who were willing to house the dog until the owners were located.

The same GNR spokesperson has made an appeal for the owner or anyone who may know who the dog belongs to, to please contact them with any details on the following number: 253 203 030.